Special Events
UFOs: The View From Inside Government
Two-hour event:
First hour: Seminar
Second hour: Audience Q & A with Nick Pope
Recent events have taken the subject of UFOs out of the fringe and into the mainstream. There have been public hearings in the US Congress and there are multiple UFO-related provisions in upcoming legislation. NASA is undertaking a study, and a steady stream of photos and videos have found their way into the public domain.
What's going on? Why has over 75 years of denial and debunking been replaced by a policy where the subject is being promoted by elements within the government, the military, and the intelligence community? Former UK government investigator Nick Pope gives an insider's perspective on the situation.

With Nick Pope
Special Event (2 hours: $199)
Or only $599 for V.I.P. All-Access Pass:
Includes all 4 special events on ship
Date and time to be announced
PAID SPECIAL EVENT with Scott Wolter
Lost Book of the Wars of the Lord Is Found
Two-hour event
One of the non-canonical books referenced in the Bible which has now been completely lost; has now been found. At least two parts of the book have come forward within a collection of secret documents held by the medieval Knights Templar and their ideological descendants.
The unpublished material we will share and discuss for the first time since its discovery, will delve into explosively controversial topics that organizations like the Roman Catholic Church would literally kill to keep hidden.
Topics like the ancient belief in a dual-gendered nature of God and what can only be interpreted as people from another realm interacting with humans. These documents make it clear the “Lord” had a feminine consort on an equal plane and She was called “Wisdom.” They also contain passages about events that involve beings that are not of this earth, their concern for the sacred book and secrets it contains.

With Scott Wolter
Special Event (2 hours: $199)
Or only $599 for V.I.P. All-Access Pass:
Includes all 4 special events on ship
Date and time to be announced
PAID SPECIAL EVENT with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael
The Secret Science Behind the EESystem
Two-hour event
Upleveling technology to transmute the agenda:
The revolution of healing is here with an advancement beyond MedBed technology. The failure of modern medicine has been catastrophic as more disease plagues humanity than any other time in history. With this bleak outlook in place, the future of medicine has been unfathomable - until now. We are on the brink of regeneration from the inside out through applying technology that combines Quantum Physics and Genetic Amplification, allowing humanity to bio-hack their way to optimum health. Nothing can stop what is coming, because we are the unified presence that heals the world!
Dr. Sandra Rose Michael has taught holistic health for over four decades and invented the first effective “Scalar Healing Light Chamber” in 1978. Her lifelong, award-winning work in Applied Integrative Biophysics has earned prestigious recognition worldwide.

With Dr. Sandra Rose Michael
Special Event ($149)
Free workbook included
Or only $599 for V.I.P. All-Access Pass:
Includes all 4 special events on ship
Date and time to be announced
PAID SPECIAL EVENT with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael
The Secret Science of the Kahuna
Two-hour event
Dr. Sandra Rose Michael is the founder of Huna Kane (TM), Body of Light (TM), the Higher Self Alignment Process (TM), Body Mapping (TM), and High Altaring and the Alchemy of Ecstasy (TM), all of which offer an integrative understanding of applied Spiritual Science. She has facilitated numerous trainings sharing her curation of the wisdom that has been passed down to her from ancient lineages. In this amazing workshop, she discloses secrets of the higher self, instant healing, and higher self alighnment process. Dr. Sandra's teachings are supported by her extensive practice as a wholistic health doctor.

With Dr. Sandra Rose Michael
Special Event ($149)
Free workbook included
Or only $599 for V.I.P. All-Access Pass:
Includes all 4 special events on ship
Date and time to be announced
Shore Excursions
Cabo San Lucas:
Sun. Apr. 9, 2023
(In port 12:30 pm to 8:00 pm)
On the Beach with Maya Elder
Grandmother Elizabeth Araujo
Shore Excursion Departure Time:
1:00 pm
Approximate Duration:
3.5 hours
Early Bird Fee: $169 per person, nonrefundable
Grandmother Elizabeth Araujo was born and raised in El Salvador and lives in Guatemala. She is a warm, compassionate person manifesting a discernment that crosses cultural boundaries. She travels extensively throughout the world. Wherever Elizabeth is called to do ceremony and hold council with Elders, she brings unification, balance and harmony to Mother Earth. Her gentle spirit and clear intent create an atmosphere of acceptance, love and allowance. Elizabeth works through the Maya traditional healing ceremonies with the Sacred Fire and serves as a guide for spiritual journeys to sacred sites.
"I had the joy of traveling with Elizabeth throughout Guatemala, Peru and Bolivia in addition to being a guest in her home in Antigua. Her gentle spirit and clear intent creates an atmosphere of acceptance, love and allowance for all who come into her presence to enjoy. Elizabeth works through the Maya traditional healing ceremonies with the Sacred Fire and is a guide for spiritual journeys to sacred sites", said Les Carney - Co-Creator of Centers of Light Directory.
Recently, Elizabeth answered some questions that have been on all of our minds. We thought we'd post it here for all to enjoy!
Here are the questions:
"Must we prepare for the change or continue living as we are accustomed to?"
"Why won't everyone go into this ascension?"
"Who will go?"
"How do we prepare to go into this ascension of the planet?"
Elizabeth says:
"We prepare every day by living with honesty, helping others...especially those in need. Caring for Mother Earth, avoiding any more contamination of the Earth, etc, etc. The change is an end of a Cycle of the Sun and the beginning of a new one. Live well and only God knows who will stay, it has always been this way and that is why we are here. This is all I can say for you, my Dears." --Elizabeth
Traditional Maya Fire Ceremony
Elizabeth will guide us in a powerful ceremony at a gorgeous beach at a beautiful resort in Cabo. The Maya Ceremony is an offering given to our Creator. In this occasion it will be to give thanks for being together and to ask for peace and unity in the world.
The Fire Ceremony is the spirit of the Maya Tradition. The fire transforms, the fire purifies. Through the fire we connect with our Creator. Elizabeth draw a glyph on the ground and explains the meaning of it before placing our offerings in it. Elizabeth explains the meaning of the day in the Maya Calendar.
Elizabeth invites the spirit of the water, mountains, the spirit of our ancestors, etc, to accompany us, we present ourselves to the sacred fire who will take our petitions and prayers to our Creator. We greet the 4 directions and then proceed to call the 20 days of the Mayan Calendar explaining their meaning. After calling the days and before closing the Ceremony, there is time for anyone to speak if so desires. We give thanks to the spirits that accompanied us, we give thanks to Our Creator and Mother Earth and close the ceremony, at this time the fire is all consumed.
What to Bring:
- SeaPass card and photo identification
- Camera
- Cash to tip driver/credit cards
- Sun protection
- Umbrella or hat for shade from intense sun.
What to Wear:
- Hat
- Sunglasses
- Sturdy shoes and socks for walking in sand on the beach.
- No swimming will be allowed due to dangerous current.
- 1:00 pm: Meeting time (You will receive meeting place on the information sheet you will get with your ticket).
- 1:15 pm: Walk to tender as a group.
- 1:45 pm: Arrive at tender port in Cabo San Lucas.
- 2:00 pm: Board bus from tender port to resort.
- 2:15 am: Arrive at resort and proceed to the beach.
- 2:30 to 3:30 pm: Authentic Maya fire ceremony and explanation.
- 3:30 to 4:00: Free time to walk or sunbathe on beach.
(no swimming allowed due to dangerous currents)
- 4:00: Take bus back to Cabo San Lucas tender port.
- 4:15: Free time to explore Cabo or tender back to the ship. Must be onboard ship by 7:00 pm.

Mon. April 10, 2023
(In port 8:00 am to 6:00 pm)
UNESCO World Heritage Site: Las Labradas Petroglyphs, Including Box lunch
Shore Excursion Departure Time:
8:00 am
Approximate Duration:
8 hours
Early Bird Fee: $179 per person, nonrefundable
We invite you to relive thousands of years of mythological traditions and come to explore one of southern Sinaloa's most enchanting archeological treasures.
One of the nearly unknown, secret mystical sites of Mexico, just 45 minutes north of Mazatlan, near the fishing village of Barras de Piaxtla, a mythical group of petroglyphs lie on the beach called "Las Labradas."
This UNESCO World Heritage Archeological Site is a magnificent beach strewn with 1000 amazing black rocks, carved with spiritual symbols of an ancient people that inhabited this land long before the Spanish conquered it.
These petroglyphs are of Tolteca origin, carved by pre-Columbian ancestors of indigenous Indians that Spanish Conquistadors encountered when they arrived in Sinaloa in 1531. The oldest petroglyphs on the site are estimated to be 4500 years old. The site was in use for over 3000 years, and finally abandoned in 1200 A.D., making it some of the oldest art in northwest Mexico. They were carved with sharp and solid rocks, and it is surprising to see that most of them are in good condition, in spite of being hammered by the sea.
These inspirational artistic expressions are a gateway to the spiritual life of these peoples. The petroglyphs are the voices of ancient testimonies, of hundreds of years of mythological traditions made by the indigenous peoples of the American continent. They are beautiful abstract and symbolic expressions for the continent's original inhabitants.
These petroglyphs are believed to be the way ancient Toltecas communicated with their Gods. They were most likely made during rituals and ceremonies in which priests petitioned their Gods for benefits, such as rain, bountiful harvest, or successful hunt. It is believed these rocks were carved by priests and that they represent their dreams and visions, often enabled by the use of hallucinogenics.
The Toltecs, the ancient settlers of this part of the country, made long hunting trips and were always led by a religious leader, who was the protector of tradition, the artist that maintained the social equilibrium, and the one who carved on rocks what he saw in his dreams and visions, often times spurred by the use of hallucinogenic plants.


What to Bring:
- SeaPass card and photo identification
- Camera
- Cash to tip driver/credit cards
- Sun protection
What to Wear:
- Hat
- Sunglasses
- Sturdy rubber-soled shoes and socks for walking over slippery rocks on the beach.
- 8:00 am: Meeting time (You will receive meeting place on the information sheet you will get with your ticket).
- 8:15 am: Walk together through the Umbrella area as a group.
8:45 am: Bus pick up at departure point, and depart for Las Labradas.
One snack package per person distributed on bus: water, fruit, and chips.
- 9:45 am:
Arrive at Las Labradas. Explore the museum and the site.
- 12:30 pm: Depart Las Labradas for Mazatlan.
- 1:15 pm: Arrive at restaurant for lunch.
- 3:15 pm: Depart for ship.
- 4:00 pm: Return to ship.
Must be onboard ship by 5:00 pm.

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico:
Tues., April 11, 2023
(In port 8:00 am to 6:00 pm)
Shore Excursion Departure Time:
8:15 am
None. You don't need to be a swimmer.
Approximate Duration:
About 6.5 hours
Bird Fee: $279 per person, nonrefundable
Have you ever dreamed about swimming with dolphins in the beautiful waters of the Pacific Ocean? On this day you can make your dreams come true! The Dolphin Royal Swim® program, is better defined with the words "action" and "speed."
In the most dynamic of swim-with-dolphins programs, you will get an experience to talk about for the rest of your life with family and friends. Our incredible dolphinarium is located in a totally natural environment inside a water park.
You will enjoy awesome aquatic activities with these tender animals that seem to know you already. They will conquer your heart before you even get into the water. They will give you a handshake and will pull you with their dorsal tows to give you a speed ride! After that, the dolphins will push your feet to raise you up the water surface, you will feel like flying!
Feel the freedom and magic of dolphins! After arriving at the water park, the program begins with a briefing about the dolphins and an explanation of the activities you will experience.
After stepping onto a submerged platform in the water, you will be able to interact with the dolphins in waist-deep water, including the very popular dolphin kiss photo.
You will enter the water (life jackets required) for a speedy and amazing dorsal tow pull through the water, as you hold onto their fins. Next is the highlight: the foot push. Feel all their strength as they push you up and through the water by the bottom of your feet!
Each session is one hour, with 30 minutes of swim time. Group size is limited to 10 guests to ensure that you have a very personal experience.
Professional photographers will capture these magical moments for you on video and stills, which will be available for sale.
The dolphin swim includes admission to the water park, for a fun-filled, action-packed day. Some amenites in the park include a restaurant, dolphin show, water slides, tubing, zip lining, rock wall cimbing, and a rope course.


What to Bring:
- SeaPass card and photo identification
- Cash / credit cards
Tips for driver, guide, and crew
- Towels from ship swimming pool
- Insect repellant (not while with dolpins)
- Biodegradable sunblock (not while with dolphins)
- Bottled water
What to Wear:
- Hat and sunglasses
- Swimsuit under shorts, t-shirt
- Change of clothing if you wish
- Rubber-soled shoes or sandals
- NO jewelry, watches, rings, or anything that will scratch the dolphins.
The MINIMUM AGE to participate is 8 years old. Children who are under 10 years old OR shorter than 4 feet 6 inches must be accompanied by one participating adult (18 years or older) per child. Children ages 10 years old or older OR at least 4 feet 6 inches tall can participate on their own (with no other children) when counted as an adult at booking. Pregnant women may not participate in this tour for safety reasons. You do not need to be a swimmer to participate in this program. All participants are required to wear a life jacket. Sunblock, jewelry, watches, rings, bracelets, or any object which might scratch the dolphin is not permitted in the water with the dolphins. The instructors have the final say on what can and cannot be worn in the water with the dolphins. For security reasons, personal cameras are not allowed in the water, nor in the program area. A professional photographer will be on hand to take pictures, which will be available for purchase.
Food and Beverage not included.
- 8:15 am SHIP TIME:(9:15 am LOCAL TIME) Meeting time (You will receive meeting place on the information sheet you will get with your ticket).
- 8:30 am: Walk together as a group from ship to pick-up location.
- 9:00 am: Board the bus for our destination.
- 10:00 am: Enter the water park.
- Orientation: briefing about dolphins and explanation about activities.
- Royal Dolphin Swim.
- Free time at water park.
- 2:30 pm: Board the bus to return to pier.
- 3:30 pm: Arrive at pier.
Must be onboard ship by 5:00 pm.
Or phone Adele: 760-230-5624: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Pacific, M-F