New Earth Horizons Cruise
Divine Travels Cruises Testimonials
"In my opinion, the cruise lived up to the advanced billing. I found the 9th Wave Ceremony something to remember. The cruise was relaxing. I found the dolphinarium visit interesting because of the opportunity to meet a dolphin at close range with nothing between us (such as the hull of a boat). The beach horseback ride constituted the first opportunity for me to ride a horse since I was a teenager."—Tom Shaffer, Connecticut
"Heart warming. The scenery was magic. The glacier... jaw dropping. Don Jose and Mallku speaking, wow, such inspirational men. Most fascinating of course the Japanese master and the flutist, as was Mas. Intrigued! And last but not least: Meg Blackburn, Nancy Joy (O, what joy! really :) and Anodea were also fab women to talk (and listen) to, so were Shima and Lynn."—Melanie "I especially loved the excursion to the petroglyphs, the love vibe from Dannion, and learning from Jeffrey that popcorn is non-GMO! My favorites: Andy Wakefield, Jeffrey Smith, Sherri Tenpenny, Winston Shrout, Nick Begich, Dannion Brinkley, and Laura Eisenhower, because I found these seven to be the most loving and/or informative (the brightest lights and most impressive servers)."—M.L. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Susan, I really appreciate everything you did to make the trip a reality (both for me and everyone else). I feel so blessed and grateful just to be able to go on the cruise this year. May you all be blessed and see you on a future cruise! Thank you all so much!"—Sean Murphy, California "Got a lot of information, met a lot of great people—left feeling really good!"—J.A.H, New Jersey "A few of my favorite speakers that really resonated with me personally was Susan Shumsky and Mas Sajady, however I am sure there are plenty more that I was not able to see. Their lectures were not only highly informative but they incorporated healing practices during or at certain points that allowed me to have powerful energy shifts."—M.R.S. "Your staff were exemplary in all ways. Susan, Adele, and the door monitors all were helpful, courteous, supportive, superb. Peter was a great help and always there when I needed him, as it seems he was with others."—Evalena Rose, California "All in all I found the seminar informative, stimulating and thought provoking. I will be inspired to read many of the presenters...I found the seminar life-altering. The information presented here will be part of every decision I make in the future. Thank you for your offering of an enriching experience."—Addie R., Florida "I would have to say that what I loved most about the cruise was meeting other like-minded individuals and sharing with them. My favorite speaker was Colin Tipping. I came to a new level of awareness and a different perspective on forgiveness."—Bob Morse, Florida "Your staff were helpful. I appreciate the effort all of you made in order to meet people's needs. The cruise line staff were also helpful. Our cabin steward was wonderful."—Mel Sears, Washington "Joey and I had a wonder-full time on the cruise! It was great to be a part of the conference, yet still have time to be on our own. Thank you for inviting Joey to participate. Waking up and traveling through the Tracy Arm Fjord was so special to us! My favorite speakers were Joey, and you, Susan, were very on point and knowledgeable on your topics. You presented at a manageable pace that was easy to understand. I also appreciated Denise Linn's passion and Lynn Andrews' real divine wisdom. Loved the train ride! Excellent service with very sincere and genuine people. Everyone aimed to please. Nice people. We just love cruises, but this was our favorite. We've always wanted to do an Alaskan Cruise, so this was perfect for us."—J.K. "The Conspira-Sea Cruise was an amazing, enlightening event with some of the most awesome speakers I have ever witnessed. I think everyone benefitted, and we were all changed by what we learned. Thank you to our speakers and our attendees !!!! I love the people I met particularly the engaged attendees and the quality of the team. I loved Joshua and Dannion. The technical presenters were all great. I was totally impressed by all I saw."—Dr. Nick Begich "I liked the fact that we were a microcosm. I thought all speakers were well prepared. I personally resonated with the theme of the cruise: Carl Calleman and those speakers who tried to present the idea of co-creation at this important date. The shore excursion was just magic. Victoria of Light was with us and through her capacities as a whale rider led whales which stayed with us for 8 miles—even the pilot of the boat was blown away by that experience."—Beth Goodson, Switzerland The cruise was really inspiring. The speakers were top notch and the scenery was breathtaking. I really enjoyed seeing the spectacular Alaskan Coast and Fjord Region. Sean David Morton has always been one of my favorite lecturers. He has a wealth of knowledge and keeps interest high with his natural standup comedian delivery. Don Jose Ruiz was very inspiring. He went through various hardships before he was able to find his path. Anodea Judith was well prepared with her lecture on Chakras and was very thorough in her yoga class. Mas Sajady was incredible to watch. He has amazing abilities."—Sheila Knies, California "It was wonderful in so many ways! So nice to meet and talk with other like-minded people, to hear some wonderful presenters and be charged up and excited by the music...Being able to walk right into the dining room without a reservation was a big bonus for the whole group, and it was exciting to get to know a few of the attendees and presenters at dinner as well."—Lily S., Oregon "I liked best the speakers who offered experience as well as facts. I especially appreciated Nicki Scully's healing ceremonies as well as her readiness to step forward to help out as needed. Joey Korn with his divining rods and Ed Grimsley's night-vision goggles and UFO stories were fascinating."—Carol Hiltner "Fantastic weather, beautiful room with the fantastic balcony, great food, met some interesting people, and saw some wonderful sights, the wonderful whales. Speakers: Susan Shumsky, so beautifully spiritually based, Dr. Jeffery Smith present such great information and explanation of the problems. Dr. Tenpenny explanations about the immunization re-enforced why I refuse to take anything."—H.G., Florida "My favorite speakers were Elizabeth Araujo, Mallku, Don Juan Ruiz and Nancy Joy Hefrom because they were down to earth and really came from a heart centered place."—Robin Phelps, California "I have you to thank for having so much time with these 2 masters on the ship: Mas and Master Tom. They are beyond powerful. I actually signed up for the cruise because I could be with Mas everyday. They were beyond amazing compared to anything else you offered. I think it is amazing that you booked them both so quickly, so I booked the next cruise because you booked them. I loved the cruise. I didn't expect to ever want to take the cruise and love it this much. I had many private sessions with both, and it was beyond magical to have the time with these two masters."—Marcia Kimpton, California "I enjoyed the meeting of like minded people in a lovely relaxing situation. Victoria of Light was favourite followed closely by Dannion, then Harrison. The evening meals I enjoyed as it was a lovely way to meet the others. I loved the three excursions I took -Tulum, Altun Ha, and swimming with the Stingrays and Dolphins. They where all great in different ways can't pick best. I liked the food and service. Thanks so much for the opportunity, and all you did to make it a great experience."—Jessie Dickie, New Zealand "I had a most unexpected and amazing personal shift on the cruise and met many folks from my star family. (A family reunion:) The energy we all created was quite palpable and I know very powerful downloads and grid work happened and so much clearing. I was amazed that my work was so well received and having to really come up with a workshop (I usually do trips private sessions and retreats) clarified a whole expanded direction in my work and my life. I was thrilled with the turnout and the response to my sharing."—Nancy Joy Hefron, Iowa "The team of support people that were there all the time, EVERY one of them were sweet, comfortable, and easy to work with... Their genuine concern for our welfare was very evident. Who could ask for more? The taping team were MOST impressive. They are very hard workers. They were so flexible and 'on the job.' so many hours. I don't know how they kept up! Great prices for the videos."—Maureen St. Germain, New York "I wanted to thank you so much for inviting me to work on the Conspira-Sea Cruise. I had such a great time! You had superior lecturers and I learned so much. It's such a contrast returning home having to cook meals and clean. That's when you realize how much you've been pampered while on board. Again....I am grateful to have been a part of your program."—Sheila Knies, California "I enjoyed meeting the people, not having to cook, and the excursions off the ship. I enjoyed the dinners as you could talk to lots people. Meals were really great, the staff were very helpful, service of rooms was awesome."—Lesley Evans, New Zealand "I liked everything about the cruise. My favorite speakers were Sean David, Carl Calleman, and Maureen St. Germain. My favorite event of the cruise was holding a stingray. My favorite shore excursion was Elizabeth Araujo's ceremony at Cozumel."—R.C., New York "My favorite shore activity at port was whale watching, because we got up close and personal with the whales and each other. Loved our private boat and that you and Adele were with us."—Evalena Rose "The whole idea of the Spiritual cruise and many of the people involved made it a memorable experience. I arrived on the cruise after a two week spiritual retreat, totally balanced in full love, light and power. The cruise was a beautiful finish to my month of Spiritual work and I learned so much. It was a time for making new friends, sharing ideas, understanding and generally having fun."—Julia Green, Florida "Overall, I very much enjoyed the seminar at sea. Alaska was beautiful and magical and I enjoyed the panel of speakers. My most memorable experiences were a session, within a lecture, with Mas Sajady, and my sessions with the Japanese group. My favorite speakers were Peter, Mas, Nancy Joy- playfulness, energetic & depth."—Y.F., New Hampshire "I liked the chance to connect with others. Going to the seminars made this possible and easy. I liked having friends to eat with and to hang out with in the ports."—Mel Sears, Washington "Susan... I can't say enough about your effort from the beginning of your asking for the order to the follow with additional information, to the Teleconference, to Ship Data, and the situations you had on board with guests, speakers, and crew. You were marvelous!"—Wonderful Wanda, Florida "I liked the Crop Circles. The speaker was pleasant and excited about the topic. I got gems from each presentation I attended."—Mel Sears, Washington "What we loved most was meeting such a diverse group and sharing with the people in the workshops. We both found the cruise enriching and entertaining. To meet the speakers in real time and finding out they are just like us was such a blessing."—Peter and Margot Biro, Alberta, Canada "My favorite speakers were Victoria of Light as she has high vibrational energy and it takes you to an amazing place. Dannion Brinkley as he was in his heart and felt like Love and Truth. Marybeth as she was coming from heart. Harrison was a genuine loving soul who also was coming from his heart. My favorite shore excursion was the trip to Altun Ha and the ceremony there, as it felt like I was connecting to other life times. It felt very special."—Lesley Evans, New Zealand "Barry and Joyce Vissell's exercises helped me touch and bring healing to my core wound, and their support afterward was extraordinary and deeply compassionate. I loved Yogi Amrit Desai workshop, where I had a transcendent experience with the yoga and meditation on the first day at sea. Amazing man."—Evalena Rose, California "The service people, staff and waiters were fabulous. They noted needs, and remembered us. They produced 'food requests' almost like a magician, very quickly and with grace and ease. The ship was beautiful. Great deco, interesting layout and well thought out. Food service seemed very efficient no matter where we ate. Impressive. Loved their food, service and accommodations. I thought our stateroom was laid out VERY well. We were both able to store our clothes and suitcases, have room to both of us work and be comfortable! It may have been bigger than my NYC bedroom!"—Maureen St. Germain, New York "I thoroughly enjoyed the cruise and meeting lots of wonderful people. My favorite speaker was Denise Linn - love her work, meditations and journeys. Also Susan Shumsky's meditation journey which was amazingly powerful."—W.J.G. “What I loved about the cruise was the great food, attractiveness of the cruise ship and fantastic weather and ocean conditions. What I loved about the seminar was the excellent and informative variety of speakers. What I also loved about the seminar was the opportunity to get together with like-minded individuals both in the audience as well as the speakers.”—J.C., Nakusp, Canada "Barry and Joyce were our favourites along with Colin Tipping. They were very genuine and organic in their talks. We could relate to their messages."—Peter and Margot Biro, Alberta, Canada "What I loved most about the cruise was being a part of the Seminar at Sea, time with the Vissell's, helping people grow, doing private sessions, and most especially the shore excursions." —Evalena Rose, California "During Sean's meditation I felt the Holy Spirit gently rock me back and forth. However, it was in Susan Shumsky's guided meditation that I had a most magnificent experience. The Holy Spirit began rocking my body back and forth uncontrollably and I began to have vivid visions. It was very difficult for me to come back to the room. I wanted to stay in bliss forever. When I did finally manage to open my eyes, I continued to rock. I rocked for several hours afterwards-all during lunch and into the next presentation. I kept asking everyone if the boat was rocking and they said no. All I can say is, Susan has a direct line to the Divine!"—C.J.M., Vancouver, Canada "Amazing! I was so impressed by the organization and great instructions so we knew what to do. I did came away from the cruise very informed and healed in many ways. I would have liked to attend ALL the speakers."—Kris H., Iowa "Everyone including Susan and Adele, all staff was very kind. They asked us prior confirmation each time in advance, so we could demonstrate very smooth. They did other arrangements for us kindly."—K.W., Tokyo, Japan "I would like to tell you thank you so much for a great "Spirit of Love Cruise." You are the best for all things what are you doing for all of us. I am so happy that I took this wonderful holistic vacation with all of you famous people. For me it was fantastic, because I got more information."—D. K., Ontario, Canada “I think that by having had the chance of experiencing a cruise with a UFO theme gathering was a fantastic opportunity unlikely to be passed up by many UFO interested people as myself, and so I am glad that I was able to attend. The ship was not so large that made us get lost too often, and gave us a comfortable experience. I loved being able to attend the seminars to listen to our favorite speakers, such as Linda Moulton Howe, Michael Tellinger, Travis Walton and the rest of the pannel lineup of speakers, who were just as good and informative. Glad to have had a time and feature schedule to follow, which was very helpful. And to take and be offered a UFO group photo, which it's priceless!”—UFO Cruise Attendee "This is the one cruise I have enjoyed the best. It was casual, informative and fríendly. And the lyra music soothing. For me, my favorite speaker was the meditación by Susan."—Elizabeth Araujo, Guatemala Comments About Indigenous Ceremonies "Mendanhall Glacier was beautiful and ceremony there very meaningful. Tlingit Elders very nice. Fire Ceremony very magical and moving."—J.L., Vermont "My experience of the 9th Wave Ceremony was almost indescribable. The moment I stepped off the boat, I started crying. Like I was home. Well, at least that's how it felt. The air was so pure. The sounds were so calming. I was definitely in a state of grace. During the ceremony the drum beats moved through me and I felt every word in my heart. I felt the air, the trees, the birds, the sun, the earth and...I felt one with all. After the ceremony was over, I was brought to tears again. This time, it felt like a letting go. It was a letting go of something so deep inside me that I can't even describe it. I just remember saying thank you over and over again. Then finally, that sense of responsibility was gone. I took the deepest breathe I have taken in awhile and just started laughing, uncontrollably. It was so cool."—Tina Taylor, Illinois "I was so grateful to have this very uplifting, profound experience. It was so amazing that the Mayans came all the way across the country to make this happen there and then. Their honoring of Carl Calleman was one of the highlights for me...The snake dance was great for its sense of inclusion and community. Everyone was on another plane for some time afterwards. Really, I'm not sure I left there yet! We are all One."—Jim McPhie, California "The cruise and the programs offered were awesome and inspirational. Visually, my most memorable experiences were the glaciers and the White Rail train ride. Spiritually, it was the ceremonies I witnessed, performed by Mallku, Grandmother Elizabeth Araujo, and the Tlingit Elders."—Ingrid Elisabet Swann, Maryland "The ceremonies at Mendenhall Glacier and Skagway were quite touching, and the spontaneous interchange between Denise Linn and the Tglingit elder was an experience I will never forget."—Robin Phelps, California "I loved the ceremony we were part of with Mallku at the Mendenhall Glacier, meeting the Tlingit Elders in Juneau, and especially the Fire Ceremony and the train ride in Skagway."—Ingrid Elisabet Swann, Maryland "The glacier was wonderful. Susan's recommendation restaurant Tracy's King Crab Shack, Crab was really good too. White Pass Summit Yukon Railway was what we were expecting. As we expected before, that was really great views all around."—K.W., Tokyo, Japan "I found the whole experience of the 9th Wave Mayan Ceremony moving, and a lot of work had been put in to the celebration to make us feel welcome and part of the ceremony. What they gave, they gave from the heart and their beliefs...Having listened to the talks on the Mayan calendar beforehand made it even more meaningful as I knew nothing at all about the Mayan calendar before this journey."—Julia Green, Florida "I felt blessed that these indigenous people included us as their brothers and sisters after all the persecution they have suffered. I really feel the ceremony was profound and it brought me to tears of gratitude."—Tami Kukuczka, Michigan "Mendenhall Glacer/Tlingit Elders. I loved that ceremony. I felt the love coming from them. I attended the fire ceremony (amazing)."—Kris H. "The Fire ceremony was beautiful and authentic. I felt even more grounded to the elements of life through the sacred prayers Grandmother Elizabeth shared. It was a beautiful way to start the day."—M.R.S. "The ceremonies as part of the shore excursions were very moving and meaningful. My most memorable experiences were the Mayan fire ceremony and the Tracy Arm Fjord Glacier."—C.J.P. "My favorite events were the ceremonies, all of them, Nicki's, Elizabeth, and the very special ceremony that was done at Altun-ha were just spectacular. All of them were very very special. I especially appreciate the phenomenal logistics that you arranged for the ceremony with the Mayan Elders and Dannion. People don't realize how incredible they were. I think the choice of locations was SPECTACULAR!!! They were well prepared with the ceremony initiation circle and then the circle on the main lawn. Quite impressive. It is quite an undertaking. Congratulations on pulling that one off! You chose well."—Maureen St. Germain, New York "It was exhilarating! One of the Mayan elders hugged me and I can still feel it!!!!"—M.A.J., New Jersey "I loved spending time at the Mendenhall Glacier and enjoyed Maliku's ceremony. I appreciated the opportunity to experience the Tingit ceremony. The fire ceremony was moving and I love Elizabeth's energy. I enjoyed the scenery of the train ride. Loved the Whale watching trip and was fortunate to see Minke whales."—F.T.M. "I had a personal experience in Belize at Al Tun Ha. That was my favorite because I connected with the spirit of the ancestors personally and came back a different person than when I started."—Gerri Walker, Pennsylvania "My most memorable experience was the love and the amazing energy at the fire ceremony in Skagway with Grandmother Elizabeth."—Kris H., Iowa "I wish I could have seen more of the speakers but I did take home some DVD's. I loved Peter Winchell's Sufi experience. It was very powerful and both Carl Calleman and Sean David Morton had wonderful insight and information. My favorite was Grandmother Elizabeth! Both her fire ceremony and and talk were so heart centered. She is a very special woman."—Nancy Joy Hefron, Iowa "Mendenhall glacier was fabulous, and the Tlingit elders were touching. The fire ceremony was glorious. The whale watch on the catamaran was a good experience too."—Baerbel Miller, Hawaii "My favorite activities were the hugs, dinners, and general sense of celebration among each other. If I had to say one event it would be the ceremony at Altun Ha. Going to a sacred site is a must on 'spiritual trips' like this."—Sean Murphy, California "Absolutely and utterly amazing. I will bear this experience in my heart forever and will pass it on, whenever and wherever I can."—Helle Thuren, Denmark "The Ceremony was magical! I especially enjoyed being on stage at the end and participating in the dancing. One of the Mayan elders gifted me with a sacred ceremonial rattle. I felt truly blessed and grateful for the experience. During and afterwards I felt very light, etheric and full of love :) Yes, the wave is upon us!"—C.J.M., Vancouver, Canada "The Mayans were as if from another world, so pure in their intent and they performed the rituals. Even the children focused pure hearted and content on the mission of making their purpose known to the spirit world."—Connie Fisher, Washington "This was the highpoint of the week. We walked up the hill and stopped to be cleansed with incense - and then went into the arena area. The ceremony was endearing and it was great to see Dr. Calleman honored for his writing. That brought tears of gratitude to my eyes."—Elizabeth Joyce, Pennsylvania "Our Captain took us first to Lover's Beach and Los Arcos explaining each feature and some history. We got up close to the Seal colony near land's end. Then we took off in search of whales! Our Captain had a heads-up from another Captain that some whales had been spotted a few miles north in the Sea of Cortez. Shortly we came upon a group of small craft that were shadowing some whales. Just as we got close, a baby whale jumped completely out of the water. The baby was swimming along with its mother and rolling and slapping its tail. Because there were several small boats of various kinds watching we all kept a ways away from the whales so as not to sppok them. Just about the time that many of the other small boats turned back, the large catamaran with many of our fellows in Oneness showed up and although we had seen the papa whale some ways off, he came over and put himself between the large catamaran and mama and the baby. The whales picked up speed and for a while we had some difficulty staying near them. But, then the large catamaran left and papa let us get real close to himself and mama and baby. All this time Victoria had been "singing" to the whales and now the whales slowed down and we were right next to them. Papa went right under us, but he didn't come up until he was clear of us. It was a truly amazing excursion."—Jim McPhie, California CLICK HERE for fees and register now, |
Diane at Luxury Travel Destinations
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