NEWLIFE 2014 Seminar-at-Sea
Speakers Bios and Workshops
Dr. Norm
C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. is President of
Shealy Wellness, LLC and of Holos Energy Medicine Education.
He was founding President of the American Holistic Medical
Association in 1978. He was founding President of Holos
University Graduate Seminary and is now Professor Emeritus of
Energy Medicine. He has 12 patents in the field of Energy
Medicine, has published 29 books and over 300 articles. Dr.
Shealy began using acupuncture in 1966 and added electrical
stimulation of the needles.
Dr. Shealy's
innovations include Dorsal Column Stimulation, Transcutaneous
Electrical Nerve Stimulation, the RejuvaMatrix® for rejuvenating
telomeres, the tips of DNA responsible for health and longevity. He
has discovered 5 circuits in the human body that selectively raise
DHEA, Aldosterone, Neurotensin, Oxytocin or Calcitonin, or lower
free radicals. His most recent discovery is blends of essential
oils, which can activate these circuits by Transcutaneous
Acupuncture. For instance, Air Bliss is by far the fastest and
easiest way to reduce stress and to help recover from depression
and anxiety. He publishes a free weekly e-newsletter. For 24 years
he has had a free call-in radio show on KWTO 560 AM,
www.Newstalk560.com, Thursday at 2 PM Central Time. His next book,
LIVING BLISS, will be out in June, 2014.
The use of specific
essential oil blends to activate acupuncture circuits represents,
in my opinion, the most important advance in acupuncture in 4000
years. The five circuits assist in
- Restoring DHEA,
the most important hormone in the body, and assisting in recovery
from migraine, rheumatoid arthritis, and neuropathy
- Increasing
oxytocin, the nurturing, bonding hormone and improving 80% of
individuals with anxiety or depression
- Balancing
aldosterone, which is clinically useful for edema, congestion &
- Increasing
calcitonin, the most powerful pain reliever the body produces, and
in preventing osteoporosis
- Decreasing free
radicals 80%, far more successful than any other known
Transcutaneous Acupuncture Training on the
Five one and
three-quarter hour sessions will complete the training. Those who
wish certification and CEU's, a set of the 5 oils and future
purchases of the oils at half price will pay a fee of
The most important
advance in acupuncture in 4000 years—stimulating 5 specific
acupuncture circuits with specific blends of essential oils. Once
you learn the points, you can activate a circuit in 30
Benefits of the 5 Rings
Assists in
restoring DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone, the most important stress
reserve! This hormone helps overcome adrenal burnout, minimize
Inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, depression,
neuropathy and pain.
Assists in
restoring Oxytocin, the bonding, nurturing, anxiety reducing
hormone which may help overcome major stress and depression, as
well as reduce muscle tension which can help reduce
Assists in
balancing aldosterone, which may help swelling or edema, blood
pressure, congestive heart failure.
Assists in
restoring calcitonin, the hormone essential for preventing and
overcoming osteoporosis. Calcitonin is also the strongest pain
relieving hormone the body produces, 40 to 60 times as strong as
morphine. Individuals with low thyroid function may need to
stimulate Fire energy as well as take iodine to restore thyroid
Assists in reducing
free radial molecules up to 80% or more. Free radicals damage cells
and lead to inflammation, aging, and over 200 major
For those wishing
to be certified to use Transcutaneous Acupuncture with clients,
Holos Energy Medicine Education will provide a certificate of
successful completion of the training program, providing CEU's for
Nurses and those who become certified will receive one bottle of
the essential oils for each Ring, as well as be able to purchase
thereafter, at half retail price, additional Bliss oils for use in
their work. Fee for the certification certificate and initial set
of oils is $225.00, due at completion of the course.
Treatment of Depression
Over the past 40
years I have worked with over 30,000 chronically depressed patients
who have failed conventional medicine.
Eighty-five percent
they can get well with:
- The Liss cranial
Electrical Stimulator
- Magnesium
- Air
Past Life
Past Life Therapy
is the most powerful tool I have experienced in assisting
individuals overcome psychological, emotional problems. Sometimes a
single session can resolve major difficulties. This 2 hour session
will begin with a brief overview of my experiences and a guided
past life experience for the entire class. Then I will choose one
person to demonstrate the technique for those who wish to continue
working with it.
Dr. Sean-David
Dr. Sean-David Morton, PhD, is host of the #2
biggest radio show on the World Wide Web, STRANGE UNIVERSE
Mon-Fri. 3-5PM PST. The author of 3 bestselling books, BLACK
SHADOW GOVERNMENT. He was the #1 guest of all time on Coast to
Coast AM, and publisher of the award winning DELPHI ASSOCIATES
NEWSLETTER for 17 years. He is a pioneer of the science known
as Remote Viewing, and his predictions in print, on radio and
TV have brought him world-wide fame. He has appeared on
countless radio and TV programs such as ANCIENT ALIENS,
GERALDO. He is an award-winning independent film director and
screenwriter and a world-famous futurist and intuitive. Dr.
Morton is also a legal and constitutional expert helping
people throw off the shackles of what he views as an
increasingly oppressive, invasive and tyrannical government
and banking system. He currently is devoting his efforts to
helping his fellow Citizens of the Union of these united
States become Emancipated and FREE!
Dr. Sean David
Morton's stunning predictions brought him global recognition as
America's premiere futurist. A pioneer of Remote Viewing, he’s an
award winning filmmaker and reporter/ writer/ producer/ director
and has appeared on countless radio and TV shows. Sean's visions,
intensity of info and wonderful sense of humor bring in sellout
crowds, making him the #1 most popular speaker everywhere he goes.
Sean tirelessly continues his fight against the N.W.O. totalitarian
super-state and his quest to bring the light of world media to the
paranormal, the prophetic and the Ascension of Mankind.
His latest book is
SANDS OF TIME, a memoir of a MAN IN BLACK, describing the life and
journey of a top level government insider and his over 40 year
career behind the scenes at places like Montauk, Area 51, the Dulce
Mesa, and Fallon Air Force base. He became the top director for a
global government that was developing a planetary defense grid and
has since 1962, been developing Time Travel technology. Dr. Morton
also holds the US Patent Pending on the Unified Field
Secret Societies and the End of
How do the
Freemasons, the Bavarian Illuminati, the Red-Cross Knights Templar,
P-5, The CLUB OF ROME, The Knights of Malta, The Jesuits, the
Vatican, Pope Francis I, The British Royal Family, The Rothschilds,
The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateralists and the
Bilderbergers all relate to a global conspiracy to turn this world
into a global prison under the heel of a single super-state
totalitarian government? Can they bring about their nightmare
reality of a boot stomping on a human face for a thousand years?
More importantly, WHAT FORCES ARE AT WORK TO STOP THEM? Where is
the CONSPIRACY OF LIGHT? Can all Humankind wake up in TIME? Is the
sky really falling, or are we all just ASCENDING to the heights of
a new and magnificent reality? Come be schooled, be wise, and be
forewarned to be forearmed! SELAH!
Quantum Enlightenment Dynamics
The Power of Healing and Creation Like You Have Never
"The Laws of the
Universe work....Right up until they DON'T!" Sean-David
It is in this
GLEAMING WHITE space of the quantum construct of pure light and
AND....MIRICLES HAPPEN! Be prepared to create fantastic and
unbelievable shifts, changes and events in your life by learning
the techniques and laws of true magick and the attainment of
unlimited power.
From the activation
of the healing Violet Flame within you, which cleanses all negative
energy, fear and doubt, to the unleashing of the GOD FORCE
resonating through you from beyond space and time, you are about to
embark on a magical mystery tour of your own potential as the
highest and grandest creature in all Creation: a fully realized
NONCHALANCE, as your angelic nature and power is energized. 'GET
YOUR WINGS', as hundreds of rare people have, as Sean David Morton
will activate your Almighty Angelic Energy, putting a Legion of
Angeles at your beck and call to help serve you, and the world, for
the greatest and highest good of both.
You will learn the
ASCENDED MASTERS 12 CHAKRA meditation, the secret and sacred Taoist
STANCE OF IMMORTALITY, the Seven Tibetan Rites for perfect health,
and the "Meditation of the Magician" a mental construct allowing
you to command the most powerful forces in the universe.
Our Lord Jesus gave
us two simple missions. He commanded his Apostles to "PREACH THE
QED will give you
the skills you need to access the INFORMATION WAVE of the QUANTUM
FIELD, to be able to lay hands upon others, travel BACK IN TIME,
and manifest past lives to repair karmic, emotional and physical
damage. You will not only be able to SEE into the body, but return
it to health, balance and wellness.
Learn how your
CLOTHING! Be prepared to experience SHAKTI-PAT and VAJRA-YANA,
lighting bolt-like strikes of Divine Force, and drastic changes in
the states of your mind and body ranging from UNCONSCIOUSNESS TO
spotters and assistants will be there to catch you when your DNA
shifts and resets which will overwhelm your rational state of
consciousness. SHAKTI-PAK is practiced, which consists of high
level lightening bursts of super charged spiritual force, which may
OVERWHELM some people.
Get on board to
catch the next wave on the cosmic ocean of the galactic
You will NEVER be the same again!
Dr. Susan
Dr. Susan
Shumsky has dedicated her life to helping people take command
of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways.
She is the author of 10 books, published by Simon &
Schuster, Random House, and New Page. A pioneer in the human
potential field, she has spent more than 45 years teaching
thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and
intuition. Her book titles include Miracle Prayer, Divine
Revelation, Exploring Meditation, Exploring Auras, Exploring
Chakras, How to Hear the Voice of God, Ascension, Instant
Healing, The Power of Auras, and The Power of
Dr. Shumsky is a highly respected
spiritual teacher, award-winning author, and founder of Divine
Revelation®—a unique field-proven technology for contacting the
divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving
clear divine guidance. For 22 years, her mentor was Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi, guru of the Beatles and of Deepak Chopra. She served
on Maharishi's personal staff for 7 years.
A sought-after media guest and
highly acclaimed professional speaker, Dr. Shumsky has done over
600 speaking engagements and over 650 media appearances since her
first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ,
Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, nationally syndicated TV and radio
on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX news, Coast to Coast AM with George
Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is featured in the
movie Three Magic Words.
Direct Experience of
A Guided Meditation to Contact the God of Your
Immerse yourself in
the presence of God, in whatever form (or formless) you believe
that to be. In a powerful, profound, guided meditation, you will
open the door to the floodgates of God's love, bursting into your
heart. You will experience the streams of God's light blazing into
your being. You will bathe in the ocean of God's love. You will
feel the grace and blessings of God's holy presence. Dr. Susan
Shumsky, spiritual teacher for over 45 years, and author of 10
award-winning, best-selling books, will guided you step-by-step
from the outer world into the inner world, where you will open the
treasure chest to Spirit. There you will find the most cherished of
precious gems: beauteous beings of light, immortal ascended
masters, and radiant aspects of your higher self, blazing with
glory. You are the treasure within, and Dr. Shumsky will help you
find it and open it. Come to this incredible workshop and discover
the only thing worth seeking in this lifetime—God
Transform Your Mind, Body, and Emotions in 5 Minutes or
Do you want to
transform yourself and others through the power of affirmation and
prayer? Because on this powerful, life-enhancing workshop Dr. Susan
Shumsky will present proven methods of spiritual healing that you
can use right now to heal your mind, body, and emotions. During
this workshop you will learn and practice:
- Self-authority
affirmation—become more powerful, centered, and balanced and not a
"psychic sponge."
- Prayer of
protection—develop spiritual self-defense and experience the divine
- Divine light
visualization—fill your energy field with divine
- White fire
affirmation—heal and clear your energy field.
- Thought-form
healing—release negative thoughts and emotions.
- Astral-entity
healing—heal dense vibrations in the atmosphere.
- Golden substance
healing—fill your energy field with divine light.
- Psychic-tie-cut
healing—release undue attachments and addictions.
- Façade-body
healing—let go of old habits and conditioning.
And more! Renew
your mind and rejuvenate your body with these powerful techniques
The Power of Auras and Chakras:
Discovering Your Limitless Energetic Abilities
Do you want to learn how to sense and see auras? Do you want to heal and lift the vibrations of your energy field? Do you want to increase your charisma and become more influential? Because in this amazing workshop, Dr. Susan Shumsky will facilitate a powerful spiritual awakening as you expand and heal your auric field.
Dr. Shumsky's unique look at the energy field and chakra system delves deeply into ancient literature to uncover hidden mysteries of the ages. Until now, this wisdom was locked in secret hiding places in the forests and caves of India. Therefore in this workshop she uncovers new understandings about the subtle energy field that have not yet been revealed.
On this workshop, you will:
• Discover your energy field and empower yourself as a multidimensional being.
• Learn how prana functions in your body, mind, and spirit.
• Understand kundalini energy and the chakra system.
• Heal blockages and negative energies; cleanse and strengthen your aura.
• Practice seeing and feeling auras and other subtle energies.
• Measure, expand, and enhance your auric field through dowsing.
• Use color and sound to lift and expand your energy field.
• Use powerful healing affirmations to bring greater light into your aura.
• Use ancient breathing and movement methods to balance and clarify your energy field.
Kerry Lynn Cassidy is the CEO and co-Founder of
Project Camelot. Kerry has a BA in English with graduate work
in Sociology, an MBA certificate from the UCLA Anderson
Graduate School of Management, and was competitively selected
to attend a year of film school at the UCLA Extension Short
Fiction Film Program as one of their first "hyphenates": a
After 19 years in
Hollywood working for major studios and independent production
companies in production, development and new media, she became a
producer. As an independent producer she pitched projects around
Hollywood to major producers and directors. In April 2006, Kerry
co-founded Project Camelot with Bill Ryan and has been working as a
documentary filmmaker, investigative reporter and producer for the
past 8 years.
She conducts
interviews documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above
top secret clearances as well as researchers and experiencers
covering all aspects of reality both on and off planet. Kerry
speaks at conferences around the world on the subjects of ETs, the
Illuminati agenda, mind control, the matrix, prophecies, 2012,
Kundalini activation and more. Kerry is an intuitive and spent
years researching the occult and studying Eastern philosophy. While
spending dedicated time in meditation, she linked her chakras in
her 20s and has had multiple samadhi experiences since
Kerry developed the
unique Camelot interview style now recognized around the world. Her
feisty no holds-barred approach has become a trademark to what
makes a Camelot interview different and powerful. She has pioneered
an in-your-face guerilla style that captures the interpersonal
dynamic as well as enables the viewer to determine whether the
truth is being told, some facsimile thereof, or a lie. The camera
reveals this in the facial expression, voice, tone and body
language of the subject, and gives us added insight into what
resonates and what does not. It reveals a candid picture of not
only the person but also the subtle layers beneath. This encourages
the viewers to pick up subliminal cues and ultimately come to their
own conclusions, without being limited or misled by edited sound
bytes, canned commentaries or misdirects.
Kerry Cassidy is
also a well known radio talk show host, hosts events and speaks
around the world and writes articles and commentary on regarding
current events from a Big Picture standpoint involving black
projects, secret space and conspiracies. KERRY'S BLOG has gone
viral and become a must see news commentary space picked up by
alternative news organizations around the world. She also conducts
online video conferences further expanding the Project Camelot
For the past 3
years Kerry has been doing a weekly radio show on American Freedom
Radio on Wednesday nights 7pm PT to 9pm and a radio show on Friday
nights from 7pm PT to 9pm on Revolution Radio. Both radio shows
generated thousands of live listeners as well as post streaming
that continues on indefinitely. Recently, Kerry's show moved to the
Sceptre Radio Network, Fridays from 7pm to 9pm. The Project Camelot
Youtube Channel has over 50,000 subscribers and the Camelot videos
generate an average of 200-300,000 views. At this time, the Project
Camelot library contains 400+ hours of audio and video footage
available to view free to their audience.
Kerry's Project
Camelot Virtual Roundtable discussions among top researchers and
whistleblowers are an innovative new online LIVE VIDEO format where
ideas, theories and evidence is shared and analyzed. The Project
Camelot Awake & Aware Conference is considered one of the best
of its kind anywhere in the world.
Superman or Angelic Human? Empowerment for the
If humanity is so
quick to allow other races of beings to take over, run things and
tell them what is and is not true this becomes hugely problematic.
Think of it this way... if humanity is made up of a genome of 12 or
more stellar ET races then how is it we would be subservient or
lesser than to any of those individual races? Ask yourself
Understanding what
we are 'made of' is key to understanding what our true potential
is. Once you realize this then "child is father to the man" becomes
much more real. The fact is, that we may end up being THEIR
TEACHERS rather than the other way around... Humanity is a genetic
experiment.. combining the amazing powers and capacities of
multiple races in multiple different strains and degrees within our
populations...this Is what we are. Given that knowledge our
potential is likely even GREATER THAN THE SUM OF OUR PARTS. Our
potential is unlimited as a result. As David Icke says "Humanity
get off your knees!." Recognize who you are and begin to push the
envelope of your potentiality. We are far more than we give
ourselves credit for. And multiple off-and on planet races of
'service to self' beings have a vested interest in seeing that we
don't learn this key truth.
There is no
quarantine on this planet.. that was removed quite some time ago.
The fact is we have been invaded six ways to Sunday and continue to
be. The question is do you want to give your power over to ET
without questioning what their true agenda is? Just because they
prance around your skies with the "magic" of high technology? Do
you think that SPIRIT bows to technology on any level?? If you do,
you are trapped in a 3-D version of a never ending parade of MAYA
(illusion). We bow to no one. It's that simple. Are you ready to
claim your birthright? Because I can guarantee you that our
PROGENITORS... those of the 'service to others variety' want to see
this happen. Like proud parents they wait for the day when you get
off your knees and recognize who and what you are. It's only UP
from there.
I will be
addressing our place in the Galactic Community, how whistleblowers
and other testimony we have gathered together over the past seven
years correlates with current events taking place on Planet
And how to handle
the ongoing SHIFT from the perspective of consciousness that you
are a Creator and need to wake up to your true power and
responsibility for being.
Black Projects: Follow the Money
What has become evident is that The Secret or Shadow Government established the Secret Space Program and Black Projects by virtue of having access primarily to two important advantages, backed by the might of the military industrial complex: money and ET technology.
I will give an overview of the Rothschild/Vatican/Bush/ consortium hold on the planet with some emphasis on the Bush cabal. This "cabal" has coalesced into what is now commonly known as the 4th Reich.
I will drill down into the nature of the black projects that support the Secret Government and Secret Space Program as well as their ET handlers behind the scenes, their agenda and where we are headed.
Kundalini and Ascension
CLICK HERE FOR INFO on Kundalini and Ascension Workshop
Over the course of many years, Judy Satori has been spiritually trained and prepared to recode human DNA; to transmit the sound and light sequences (energy "words") that are required to catalyze physical and energetic changes within the cells of the human body, and, in so doing, to spark a physical and consciousness upgrade for humanity.
The energy that Judy brings through her hands and voice as "Light Language" energy is part of a Divine Plan transmitted by the Elohim, the creator aspect of God, to transform humanity for the next phase of Earth’s evolution.
Judy Satori was born in New Zealand, but now lives in the USA. She began to work with higher-dimensional beings in 1997 and to spontaneously speak the Language of Light in 2002. In her earlier years, she was a marketing and public relations consultant. In mid-life, after her connection with Spirit, she retrained in energy healing. She holds a NZ Diploma in Physiotherapy and a Diploma of Natural Healing Sciences in Auric Healing. In 2009, she was awarded an honorary Doctorate in Religious Studies. Judy travels and works internationally.
Download a flyer
and listen to free energy transmissions at
www.judysatori.com: COMING

the Waters
Secrets of Regeneration with the Thoth and the Goddess Isis,
through Judy Satori
"Crossing the
Waters," transmitted through Judy Satori, will deliver for the
first time new information from Spirit to do with the regeneration
of the physical body. The information will be to do with physical
re-synthesis and will be accompanied by energy transmissions from
Thoth and the Goddess Isis. Judy does not know at this time what is
to come forth, only that it is the beginning of a new cycle of
The Egyptian God
Thoth was known as the supreme articulator of the divine ‘ Word'.
It was he who taught the Goddess Isis the words of power that
allowed her to temporarily recreate the body of her husband Osiris.
Thoth, an Atlantian priest king who took the Atlantian survivors to
Egypt was able to regenerate and give vitality to his physical body
by going to Amenti, the place of the heartbeat of the inner Earth
which holds the pulse rhythms of Earth and human creation. It is
Thoth who will be teaching us at this event.
You are the Sunshine at the Dawn of a New Age on Earth
In 2011 Judy Satori was asked by the Galactic Council to write down information as it was telepathically transmitted to her by the Galactic Council of our Milky Way Galaxy. This is the story of how and why we came to Earth from Star Nations within what is known as the 12 dimensions of the lower heavenly worlds. In this workshop Judy will discuss this story from the stars and introduce you to many of the extraterrestrial races who have assisted her on her journey and are assisting us all transition to a new Golden Age of Peace, Love and Unity.
Sessions on the NewLife Cruise
Judy will be
available for small group and possibly private sessions if her
schedule permits on board the cruise on a variety of topics. If you
would like to have a session with Judy please email her with your
request and topic to
Thackray is an exceptional medium with a tremendous
connection to spirit. At Gail's healing demonstrations in NY,
LA and London people report they were cured of cancer, blood
diseases, and received unexpected money! She is the author of
"Gail Thackray's Spiritual Journeys: Visiting John of God" and
"30 Days to Prosperity: A Workbook to Manifest Abundance" and
star of the new movie "John of God, Just A Man." Many report
spontaneous healings and a powerful connection just from
attending Gail's events.
Video clips of Gail's workshops
Become a Psychic &
Gail is an exceptional psychic
and spiritual healer. She will demonstrate readings and healings,
cutting chords and clearing auras. Then she is going to activate
you and show you how to perform the things she does. She will
connect you directly to the energy of the enlightened beings that
work through her. Each person will receive an attunement to the
energy. Learn how to sense spirits, how to perform psychic surgery
and remove blocks and chords. Gail will be showing you how to use
crystals and pendulums and you will be working with John of God
crystals from Brazil. She believes we are all able to do this. Many
people report spontaneous healings and life changing experiences
after attending Gail's workshops but this special event will give
you your own ability to channel and heal.
White Magic Voodoo Dolls
The Haitians are known for the
black magic arts and their voodoo dolls. But Gail explains this
magic can also be directed for good in our life. Learn how to use
Voodoo magic to manifest positive things into your life. Learn to
use this energy for healing both on yourself and others. Use sacred
magic to create the reality that you want a positive way. Gail will
teach you the use of Haitian magic with dolls, candles and secret
oils. Gail is an exceptional psychic and spiritual
Water Chakra Healing Meditation
Whether you are going to
experience the great Jamaican falls or other sacred waterfalls,
Gail will teach you how to receive great blessings from these
waters. In her series "Spiritual Journeys" Gail has travelled to
many sacred water sites around the world and will discuss why they
give such healing powers. Then Gail will lead you through a water
meditation to heal and clear your chakras. You will be able to do
this meditation on your visit to the falls to receive the most from
this journey and you'll learn how to recreate this in your own
Master Yogi, Mark Becker opened the first
non-religious yoga center in NYC, called Serenity, in 1975.
His yoga is very hands on and helps take the beginner as well
as the yoga teacher on a journey to advance their practice. He
has trained over 1000 yoga students to become yoga
Mark will be
teaching sunrise yoga for a breathtaking experience as well as
during the day. He is the producer of the NEWLIFE EXPOs and
publisher of NEWLIFE Magazine.
Master yogi Mark
Becker will lead you through a series of yoga postures, pranayama,
and deep relaxation in his hands-on yoga class where he corrects
you throughout all yourr postures and takes you to the next level
no matter what your expertise is, giving you an experience that you
will never forget. Mark created NYC's first non-hindu yoga center
in 1975 and has trained over 1000 yoga teachers and tens of
thousands of students. He is the publisher of NEWLIFE Magazine and
producer of the NEWLIFE expo and the co-producer of this
extraordinary NEWLIFE Cruise.
Maureen St.
Maureen St. Germain, The Practical
Mystic, is an internationally recognized, highly
acclaimed transformational teacher, author and intuitive. She
shares knowledge she gained from 25 years of study as a seeker
in ancient truths. Her live presentations are insightful,
compassionate, intuitive and funny.
Maureen is the
author of the popular Be A Genie, and the Amazon.com
bestseller, Beyond the Flower of Life. Since 1994 she has
been teaching the Higher Self connection to audiences worldwide.
Get her live MerKaBa Classic workshop in DVD format.
In her latest book,
Be A Genie, Maureen shares the keys to creating a life
filled with love, success and happiness. The simple five-step
Genie System is based on solid science, quantum physics and
sacred geometry, along with practical tools to help you realize
your life dreams and goals.
In 2003 Maureen was
given direct access to a dimension that has been closed to humanity
for eons – the Akashic Records. She is an extremely accurate
Akashic Records Guide.
Author, musician and
producer of over 15-guided meditation CDs, Maureen St. Germain is a
prolific writer, talented musician and direct channel to Source.
For more information about Maureen please visit
Be A
Maximize the
natural laws of the Universe and turn your dreams into reality.
Join Genie Maureen St. Germain and journey into the quantum
"soup" of all possibilities. Learn practical tools, tips and
exercises to assist you in meeting, and surpassing, your life
dreams and goals.
The Genie
System is based on solid science using quantum physics and
sacred geometry. This class will give you an understanding of
Sacred Geometry that will enable you to utilize the natural laws of
the Universe. A Sacred Geometry Treasure Map for
Using the
principles and practices of the Genie System for the past 20 years,
Maureen shares how she created a life filled with love, success and
happiness. Learn how you can Be A Genie, and create your heart's desire with your partner, the Universe!
Higher Self Contact to See You Through the Crazy Time
revolutionary techniques allow YOU to gain access to YOUR
Higher Self – Your Inner Guru -- with 100% accuracy. Learn to
use this fast and easy "tool" to know and understand what is really
happening in any "unforeseen" situation.
It's totally
amazing, to be able to get accurate information "on demand." Anyone
can learn to do this! Learn how to "know" and understand the
reality around you that you are experiencing. There is only one
question to ask the universe when something happens that defies
explanation! Learn the perfect question! Learn to access your
Higher Self.
We start with a
guided meditation taking you into a sacred place that will allow
you to connect with your Higher Self. We then get into how to make
this connection 100% accurate. Our interactive session will take
you into your Higher Self connection and give you a practice that
will produce 100% accuracy through a six week period. Learn how to
"Check In" with your Inner Guru, and KNOW what you need to know
BEFORE you need to know it.
What is the benefit
of building a Higher Self connection? You can ask anything! Can you
learn to access Your Higher Self? Show up and find
An authentic and engaging communicator, Lois
Grasso travels internationally to deliver workshops and
trainings on a wide variety of health, marketing, and
evolutionary topics. In private practice as a Holistic Health
& Business Coach in Hartford, CT since February, 2001, she
has since assisted thousands toward the realization of vibrant
health and their passionate mission. For many, this includes
deep emotional clearing and the elimination of self-limiting
belief patterns. For some, the dream was to become an
entrepreneur or promote an already existing business or
practice. Certified in Transformational Breathing™, Emotional
Freedom Techniques (EFT), Cranial Temple Activation™, Psych-K™
and Reverse Therapy™, Lois is quite talented at aligning both
the inner and outer aspects of abundance creation.
Expanding her own
mission, Lois is now offering Visionary Branding & Coaching in
addition to creating holistic cruise conferences. Her expertise and
flair for marketing, promotional writing, book titling, graphic
design, web presence and presentation skills development is being
passionately applied to a select few Consciously Evolving Leaders,
about whom she feels inspired to share their wisdom far and
Breathe and Tap Into Healthy Abundance
Searching for that
perfect answer to your most challenging problem? You already
possess Innate PowerTools needed to create abundant health, wealth
and happiness. They're right under your nose! This class will give
you the basic skills to use them. Then all it takes is the desire
to choose your reality rather than leave it to chance. Conscious
Breathing is key to self-mastery and spiritual evolution. Laughter
is the best medicine. Tapping (aka EFT) is a simple yet powerful
way to eliminate self-sabotage, suffering and stress. In this
workshop, use all three of these Innate PowerTools to claim your
Dr. Phil
Dr Bate at 87 looks, acts, and thinks like 70
because he not only is an Orthomolecular Psychologist thus
understanding nutrition and digest and the use of vitamins,
minerals, enzymes, etc, but also their effect on the body and
the brain.
He is the creator
(inventor) of Neuroliminal Training, a simple CD with a complex
therapy that solves mental problems while the paitent sleeps. Many
of the people who have purchased his NT CD's have also noticed
these same "age reversal" effects after using these. It makes sense
- solve stress problems, and live healthier and longer,
He has been a
hypnotist for over 65 years after being "cured" of a "dental
phobia" at 21. He along with his "LIF" (live in friend) Patricia
Lloyd still uses his NT CD's. His Mensa IQ was measured at 148, and
he claims some slight psychic ability that has served him well.
Personal friends have included: Abram Hoffer, Carl Pfeiffer, Linus
Pauling, George Von Hilsheimer, and many more. He has outlived all
of them.
Phil Bate PhD -
Orthomolecular Psychologist (30 plus years)
Inventor of NT Therapy - An inexpensive, effective approach &
"at home" therapy for ADD- autism, insomnia, depression
Stress Improves Health and Longer Life
The basis of every
"healing" type of therapy is to literally lower stress of some
kind. Stress is both physical and mental, and stress is the major
cause of virtually all mental and much physical
For all mental
stress, there is a 50 year old therapy that has been proven to be
the best. It's now called Neurofeedback, but formerly was known as
EEG Biofeedback. The only problem with NFB is that it's so
expensive that only the wealthy can afford it. It's done a half
hour at a time on an expensive electronic machine in an expensive
"doctor" office. I kept experimenting on finding a way to duplicate
the brain wave "training" that wasn't expensive. In 2004, I found a
way to do it.
In 2006, I released
the CD that contains three therapies. It is designed to be played
all night long on a CD player set on "repeat." It could be called
"beneficial brainwashing" as that is what it does. Raising the SMR
brain wave seems to "cure" most or all allergy stress. Lowering the
Theta brain wave increases concentration (NASA used Theta "down"
training on all astronauts in the 80's, and their research was very
useful to me).
As an
Orthomolecular Psychologist, I have devised a 4 page paper that
improves nutrition, digestion, and a simple way to remove tloxic
minerals (Mercury, et al) from the body. This is free
to all.
As of today, My
Neuroliminal Training CD's have solved/cured Insomnia, Obesity,
Anxiety, Epilepsy, Depression of all kinds, and Schizophrenia. It
has also reversed aging factors in myself, many friends and users
of this therapy. At 86, I have outlives all known ancestors, and I
feel, act, and think like 10-15 years younger.
Solving the Increasing ADD-Autism Problems
This is a discussion of a new therapy that actually cures ADD/ADHD in 60 days for most families. It also improves and "cures" gradually many autism cases in the Asperger ranges. Also discussed is a simple method of preventing Autism in pregnant women.
Solving Insomnia, Anxiety, Epilepsy, Depression, and Schizophrenia
This discussion covers a new therapy that changes brain waves like Neurofeedback but inexpensively, as it is done "AT HOME."
Whatever is
necessary to help the individual. Primarily, of course, one of my
NT CD's, plus advice that will help that individual.
World-renowned Psychic Lai Ubberud was named
"Best Psychic of 2005" and "Best Pet Psychic of 2007" by The
Houston Press. She is in Glamour Magazine judges' Hall of
Fame'. She comes from a long line of European Psychics, with
clients on several continents; she visited many sacred sites
around the globe.
Lai is the Author
of Celebrity Pets Tell All published by "Simon &
Schuster, Inc. Her articles have been published in American and
foreign magazines.
Lai is a Radio/ TV
Personality, a guest on numerous television , cable network and
radio shows.
Lai is a Spiritual
Advisor, Medium, Psychic and Animal Communicator, Panel
Participant, Past Life reader and Lecturer.
Lai also cleanses
and blesses people and houses.
Lai will do a
lecture on Reincarnation and explain how Past Lives affect us in
the present life and she will answer questions.
Afterwards, she
will teach people several methods of helping them to see their own
past lives.
If you want to know
if you had a past life with somebody else, please bring a photo of
that person or persons if they are not on the cruise.
Lai does specific
readings. Most people want to know about finances, jobs, love,
children/ parents.
Others want to talk
to their departed ones, because they miss them or because they have
questions about something that happened during their life or even
some object or will that disappeared..
Others, just want
to know about past lives, sometimes out of curiosity, but often
about a specific past life that affects them in the present
Others want help
developing their spirituality.
15 minutes -
30 " - $150.00
45 " - $225.00
60 " - $300.00
Nancye Gray
has counseled thousands of clients over the past 25 years.
Born a "sensitive," she began having intuitive psychic visions
at age 4. Then at age 13, she started her lifelong study of
astrology. Nancye has devoted her career to helping others as
an astrologer, counselor, business consultant and intuitive
life coach. She weaves a metaphysical and spiritual theme into
each Reading enlightening her clients with information beyond
this earthly realm. Her clairvoyant messages combined with
logic not only help guide her clients in their decisions but
also teaches them the universal laws of cause and
Nancye also has a very realistic
view of the business world and has held positions as Real Estate
Broker, Franchise Sales Administrator, Marketing Consultant,
Electrical Engineer Project Manager, Insurance Salesperson, Image
Consultant, Network Marketing Director and Personnel Recruiter
(Head-Hunter). An Aquarian with Sagittarius rising, she is adept at
getting to the heart of problems, giving direct answers to
questions and entertaining clients with her quick wit and sense of
humor delivered with a southern drawl. Nancye's upcoming book
Companions in Time is a romantic novel based on her
own psychic experiences and past life connections.
A Reading with Nancye covers all
facets of your life, your work, your relationships and your
physical health. She is Virginia's best kept secret, preferring
only to read for clients who have been referred to her by other
clients. Although she has never advertised, Nancye has clients all
over the United States as well as the U.K., Germany and Japan.
Her home base is in Virginia with a satellite office/meeting
room in Durham, NC. A member of the American Federation of
Astrologers, in 1995 Nancye received her training in Advanced
Hypnosis at Guilford College, Greensboro, NC under the direction of
Carolyn Deal. Her hypnosis sessions exploring past lives reveal
connections with those in your life who are playing major roles in
your soul's journey on this plane of existence. These sessions
are therapeutic in solving mysteries of who you are,
why you are here and where best to use your talents and creativity.
Life is an adventure and Nancye opens you to a whole new
world of possibilities.
Born a "sensitive,"
Nancye Gray has devoted her career to helping others as an
astrologer, counselor, business consultant and intuitive life
coach. Intuitive Readings cover your career, finances,
relationships and physical health. Hypnosis Sessions address weight
loss, smoking, phobias and fears. Nancye's upcoming book
Companions in Time is a romantic novel based on her
psychic experiences and past life connections. Readings,
Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions begin at
Nancye Gray
(434) 252-1415 Home
(252) 438-0320 Cell
Phone/Durham Office
Dr. Joyce
Dr. Joyce Tattelman, an intuitive energy healer
and chiropractor, has been practicing in the Boston area for
nearly 30 years. During that time, she has used many
vibrational tools and techniques, including crystals and
gemstones. After discovering Kate King Jewellery on a west
coast trip, she was taken with the unique quality of the
charged gemstones and began collecting the healing pieces. The
tangible effects of the stones prompted her to learn more
about them, study their effects and finally to personally
train with the artist, Kate King. At present, she is the only
East Coast Certified Vibrational Consultant representing this
line of jewellery. She is pleased to have Kate King
accompanying her on this
Kate King
Kate King Jewellery is a vibrational gemstone
collection based on Quantum Physics. Everything in the
universe vibrates, including us. When we wear gemstones on our
physical bodies, our vibration changes. Our company is
dedicated to empowering people to understand their vibrational
signature so they can make conscious decisions on the
gemstones they choose to wear. When we are in balance, we feel
joy. When we feel joy, we transfer that joy to everyone we
interact with.
During this cruise,
we will be available to do a personal vibrational analysis to
correctly evaluate your unique vibrational frequency and help you
choose the gemstones that will best harmonize between your body and
To learn more, go
Vibrational Jewellery
Kate King Jewellery is a vibrational gemstone jewellery collection based on quantum physics. Everything in the universe vibrates including us.
Our company is dedicated to empowering people to understand their vibrational signature so they can make conscious decisions on the gemstones they choose to wear. When we are in balance, we feel joy. When we feel joy, we transfer that joy to others.
Our gemstones are selected for their vibrational abilities. They are designed to maximize the vibrational quality and are cut by our master gem cutters from all over the world.
We select our stones based on the vibrational quality. Our earth-grown collection features Tourmaline, Citrine, African Amethyst, Spinel, Brazilian Rutilated Quartz, Tanzanite and some of the finest gemstones available. Some earth-grown gemstones are not available due to extinction, chemical treatment, irradiation or other treatments that decrease the frequency of the stones.
In 1902, the French Chemist Auguste Verneuil developed a process for producing lab grown Corundum Sapphire crystals. These stones are identical to the earth-grown stones, except they can be made without the flaws found in earth-grown stones. These flaws or "inclusions" are the only difference between the earth-grown and lab-grown stones.
Lab-grown Sapphire, Spinel, Alexandrite Chrysoberyl, and Quartz are identical to the earth-grown stones. They have the same chemical composition, crystalline structure, texture, hardness, colour, light refraction and luster. Energetically the frequency of the stone is higher because there are no inclusions in the stone to slow the spin of the molecules. This offers us the opportunity to use large, attractive stones that have been otherwise mined out in nature or are so expensive that most of us would not have the opportunity to own a stone of quality and size.
Learn about what makes gemstones vibrate and how to choose high vibration gemstones, understand how your frequency affects how you move through life.
Powerful and provocative, captivating and unique, Kate King Jewellery. Feel the Vibration.
Join Dr. Joyce
Tattelman and Kate King for a personal vibrational analysis to
correctly evaluate your unique frequencies and help you choose the
gemstones that will best harmonize between your body and soul. Kate
King Jewellery is a vibrational gemstone collection based on
Quantum Physics. Everything in the universe vibrates, including us.
When we wear gemstones on our physical bodies, our vibration
changes and we feel balanced. When we are in balance, we feel joy
and share that joy with everyone around us.
For 15 years as a Certified Vedic Astrologer
through the American College of Vedic Astrology (ACVA), Mark
has practiced and studied astrology throughout the United
States including, India where the roots of Vedic Astrology
were established several millennia ago and have flourished to
present day.
Mark has explored
spirituality and mysticism for many years, including alternative
healing modalities and astrological vedic studies. His
consultations and astrology readings provide insight into various
aspects of one’s life path direction, potential strengths and
challenges, career and vocation aptitude and abilities, including
relationship compatibility.
Through his years
of study within a western ashram, based upon the lineage and
principles of Kriya Yoga brought to the West by Paramahansa
Yogananda, including travels abroad throughout Europe and India,
Mark has embraced a world of cultures and spirituality that have
helped him grow and develop deeper insight into life’s challenges
and lessons for a greater awakening to the fact we are all
spiritual beings having a human experience, striving to perceive
our ultimate reality of God within.
He believes that
our deepest reality exists within a spiritual consciousness that
pervades multiple dimensions and realms, for as Christ says, "in my
Father’s house there are many mansions." Several years ago, Mark
also became an Ordained Spiritual Healer through Celebrating Life
Ministries that embraces and shares the original teachings of
Christ and other spiritual masters of different traditions around
the world.
Bachelor’s Degree
in Communication at University of Colorado Denver
Certified Vedic
Ordained Spiritual
Reconnection Practioner
Vedic Astrology Fundamentals
A workshop in covering fundamentals of Vedic Astrology and examples of planetary combinations for creative talent, spiritual inclinations and relationship compatibility. The first half hour will be covering fundamental basics of Jyotish(Vedic Astrology), the last half of the lecture will show birth chart examples of artists, spiritual teachers, compatibility, wealth and longevity.
Private Sessions
Astrology session fees:
90 minutes - $
*(Please have birth
data available, including time & place of birth)
Masayo Koshiyama (Holistic
Born in Japan, 34
years ago, she came to the U.S. with one suitcase.
With no money and
no experiences, she developed successful businesses and also lost
tons of money. She graduated from the school of hard knocks with an
She had lots of
health challenges since childhood but learned to make excellent
health holistically.
For many years,
Japanese suicide rate has been the highest in the world and more
people are suffering from so many illnesses, which nobody knows how
to cure.
She believes that
Japanese women are the keys to turn around the suffering
For the last 15 years, she has been energetically educating and inspiring Japanese women, which is a holistic revolution in a way.
Brain Therapy
And 1.5 year ago,
she ran into a brain machine predicted by her deceased mentor to
help people in the world. She trademarked it as "Brain Therapy"
which has been getting very popular in Japan.
At her seminar, you
can try the Brain Therapy and see a quick change of blood
circulation with a very unique microscope.