"Passion and Purpose Cruise"
and Seminar-at-Sea

Performance and Behavior Specialist:
Dr. John Demartini

Way of the
Peaceful Warrior:
Dan Millman

NDE Survivors/Authors:
Dannion and Kathryn

"The Happy Medium"
LMN Network:
Kim Russo

Transformational Leader, Visionary:
Janet Attwood

Bestselling Author
Spiritual Teacher:
Dr. Susan Shumsky

Spiritual Success
Teacher and Visionary:
Debra Poneman

Transformation Technique:
Jennifer McLean

The Rock Girl, Psychic,
Channeler, Speaker:
Allison Hayes

Bestselling Author
Founder of M-Joy:
Melissa Joy Jonsson
 Holistic Therapist
Healer, and Teacher:
Lilian Bern

Speaker, Author
Spiritual Life Coach:
Chris Michaels

Godscribe, Speaker
Author, Soul Reader
Sondra Sneed

Award-winning Author,
Speaker, Healer:
Cynthia Mazzaferro

Intuition Expert
Lynn Robinson

Author, Teacher
Motivational Speaker
Charis Melina Brown
 Speaker, Teacher,
Antoine Chevalier

Yoga Teacher
Life Coach, Author:
Zayna de Gaia
Dan Millman
After meetings with unusual mentors and a decades-long quest around
the globe, and into the deepest recesses of his mind and heart,
Dan Millman began to teach an approach to living with a
peaceful heart and a warrior's spirit. A former world trampoline
champion, Stanford University gymnastics coach, martial arts
instructor and Oberlin College professor — Dan has authored 17
books published in 29 languages, including his classic, Way of
the Peaceful Warrior (released as a film with Nick Nolte by
Universal Pictures in 2007). Today Dan teaches worldwide. His books
and seminars have influenced people from all walks of life,
including business, sports, politics, entertainment and the
His most recent book, The Hidden School, completes the
peaceful warrior saga with a rousing adventure-quest that bridges
the conventional and transcendent truths of our existence, and
shows how to live with our head in the clouds and feet on the
ground. Learn more about his work, including online courses, books,
audio programs and life-purpose guidance at:
The Life You Were Born to Live Life Purpose
(Special Event: Extra Fee Applies)
In the movie "Peaceful Warrior" a young college athlete named Dan
Millman met a mysterious old service station attendant he named
"Socrates." Decades later, after journeys around the world and
study with extraordinary mentors, Dan developed an approach to
living he called the Way of the Peaceful Warrior.
Take the next step on the path of personal evolution. In his
workshop, Dan reveals the source and essence of a method to
understand your life and to live it more fully.
Dan's books — The Four Purposes of Life, and The Life You
Were Born to Live provide insights and perspective. Now, during
our "Passion and Purpose" cruise, you can receive a direct
It begins with a review of the four purposes of life, then focuses
upon the Life-Purpose System as a doorway to direct insight into
your own life path.
Topics include:
- The four purposes of life: what it means to really learn life's
lessons; the difference between career and calling; finding your
life path; and being guided by your purpose in the present
- Origins of the Life Purpose System: how Dan discovered this
uncanny method derived from your date of birth
- Understanding the different paths of life to appreciate your own
hidden strengths and the hurdles you're here to overcome (and the
spiritual laws that help you to transcend them)
- The energies of relationship: bringing clarity to your intimate
and professional relationships.
Explore your life path and world in a way that few in history have
done before. In this brief mystery school at sea, you'll have time
to ask questions and to dialogue with Dan and with one
As you breathe in the pristine sea air you'll reconnect with the
higher purpose and promise of your life. Turn your cruise into
an illumination vacation and voyage of discovery!
Dr. John
Dr Demartini is considered
one of the world's leading authorities on human behavior and
personal development. He is the founder of the Demartini Institute,
a private research and education organization with a curriculum of
over 72 different courses covering multiple aspects of human
His trademarked
methodologies, the Demartini Method and the Demartini Value
Determination, are the culmination of 44 years of
cross-disciplinary research and study. His work has been
incorporated into human development industries across the
Dr Demartini travels 360 days
a year to countries all over the globe, sharing his research and
findings in all markets and sectors. He is the author of 40 books
published in over 29 different languages. He has produced over 60
CDs and DVDs covering subjects such as development in
relationships, wealth, education and business. Each program is
designed to assist people to activate leadership and empower
themselves in all seven areas of their lives: Financial, physical,
mental, vocational, spiritual, family and social.
The Life Empowerment
(Special Event: Extra Fee
The Professional and Personal
Empowering Value of Values. Mastering Your Life, Wealth and
Proven Principles and Strategies to Get Ahead, Stay
If you have either listened to a product or attended one of Dr. Demartini's presentations on empowering your life in business, finance, family, relationship, spiritual, mental, leadership, health, wellness, you will realize the vital importance of knowing your values as it relates to implementing what you have learned from the presentations to empower any area of your life. No doubt you are wondering how to be sure what your real values are?
It is unquestionable that
determining your true set of priorities and/or highest values in
your life could be one of the most important actions you could ever
take. And setting goals and intentions according to these highest
values is the second most significant action you could ever take.
Without these two actions you will most likely live a life of quiet
desperation instead of the amazing life filled with inspiration
that you deserve.
Your highest values, once
known and applied as a primary directive can make the difference
between living an un-meaningful or meaningful life. This one factor
has more impact on your life and destiny than any other factor. By
mastering the comprehension and application of this one factor you
will have the key to transforming and fulfilling your life in all
Private consultation with Dr
John Demartini to address and resolve any issues that you may have.
This will assist you in all areas of your life.
Kim Russo
Kim Russo, also known as "The Happy Medium" and was named "The Soul Whisperer" by many. Reaching down to the heart of the matter, Kim is not only a Medical Intuitive, but is able to interpret the energy of souls in this dimension as well as in other dimensions. By reaching inside a person's soul, Kim is able to help tell its unique story, lending spiritual guidance from her very healing channeled messages. Kim has a very down to earth approach of demystifying the mysterious and believes everyone is born to interpret the language of energy. The Forever Family Foundation and The Windbridge Institute have rigorously tested Kim's abilities of which she is currently on their list of Certified Mediums and sits on The Advisory Board for The Forever Family Foundation. All of this, along with the uncanny accuracy of her readings, makes Kim the most sought after teacher and Medium worldwide.
Kim believes it is her mission to share her gift with the world and
to teach others how to recognize their own unique gifts through the
platform of television and writing books. Kim is the Host of two
series for the LMN Channel: In "The Haunting Of, Kim works with
famous celebrities helping them sort through paranormal struggles
and In "Psychic Intervention" Kim uses her gifts and abilities to
help everyday people, of every age, overcome challenging blockages,
helping them cope with their grief of losing a loved one.
Kim is the author of the book The Happy Medium: Life Lessons From
The Other Side published by Harper Collins and is currently working
on her second book. Please visit her website at www.Kimthehappymedium.com
for further information on her readings, lectures, workshops and
An Evening with Spirit
Two Sessions: I and II
(Special Events: Extra Fee Applies)
Please join world renowned Psychic Medium Kim Russo for an evening
of channeled readings and messages. Marvel as Kim walks around the
room delivering heart felt messages directed by The Spirit World.
Kim prides herself as being fluent in the language of energy and
she delivers messages with undeniable proof. It is not uncommon for
Kim to give specific names during her readings, and as Kim is also
a medical intuitive, with permission given, she may scan your aura
to pin point unbalanced energy. Don't miss you chance to witness
something "out of this world."
Kim Russo's Intimate Gallery Readings
Join Kim for an intimate gathering of six people.
Kim will share her extraordinary gift of channeled messages from
"the other side" as well as share intuitive psychic information.
Please note this is not a private reading and information will be
shared amongst the small group in an open setting. Everyone is
guaranteed a message; however, Kim cannot guarantee a particular
person will communicate through her or to her.
Debra Poneman and
Janet Attwood
Janet Bray
Janet is the co-author of the
NY Times bestsellers, The Passion Test – The Effortless Path to
Discovering Your Life Purpose and Your Hidden Riches – Unleashing
the Power of Rituals to Create a Life of Meaning and
As an expert on what it takes
to live a passionate life, she's presented her programs as a
featured speaker to people around the world, sharing the stage with
such notable luminaries as the Dalai Lama, Sir Richard Branson,
Stephen Covey, Brendon Burchard, Tony Hsieh, Nobel Laureate F. W.
deKlerk, and more.
Janet, the co-founder of The
Passion Test Certification Program, with more than 1,800 Certified
Facilitators in over 50 countries, has taken hundreds of thousands
of people through The Passion Test process—the #1 tool used
worldwide to help people discover their passions.
Prior to becoming an author
and speaker, Janet worked in the corporate world as marketing
director for one of the largest book buyer companies in the US. It
was during her tenure that the company was purchased by Readers
Digest for 360 million dollars.
Janet is a founding member of
the Transformational Leadership Council, an organization created by
Jack Canfield, after he took Janet's Passion Test and discovered
his passion for bringing leaders together to share ideas and
support one another's success.
Debra spent the decade of the
70's at the feet of the greatest spiritual masters of the east —
often in deep meditation for 12 hours a day and silence for weeks
at a time. She went on to teach meditation to thousands.
In the1980's Debra immersed
herself in the vast knowledge of the Masters of western
Metaphysical thought and founded Yes to Success Seminars teaching
people how to create outer success and prosperity based on inner
Within a few short years,
Debra's live seminars were being taught to thousands in seven
countries on four continents – years before the days of the
Internet. Her students went on to become mega-successful
entrepreneurs, NY Times bestselling authors, millionaires,
billionaires—even household names.
In 1988, with her Yes to
Success book in the hands of major New York publishers and about to
launch her own network TV show, Debra walked away from her career,
disappearing from the public eye for over two decades when she
realized she had a truer passion.
Now a best-selling author and
co-founder of Your Year of Miracles mentoring program for women,
Debra is back to share how to create a life that is not only
successful but is, in fact, miraculous.
Living With Passion
in the Flow of Grace
(Special Event: Extra Fee
Do you love your life?
Really, do you wake up each morning happy to be alive, overflowing
with gratitude, looking forward to diving into your day? Do you
live with a sense of flow—feeling that you're guided by an energy
of grace? Are you deeply satisfied with your level of contribution
to the future of our planet?
Janet Attwood is known
throughout the world as the woman who shows people how to live
lives filled with passion, happiness and hearts overflowing with
Debra Poneman was Janet's
first mentor and Debra's Yes to Success seminar, was where The
Passion Test was born. Debra is known as the mentor to the mentors,
as many of today's top transformational leaders were her
Janet and Debra have created
this workshop exclusively for the Passion and Purpose cruise to
give you the most powerful knowledge, tools and techniques of their
combined 90 years (yes, that's 90 years) of teaching.
Janet will take you through
the Passion Test—a deep dive to uncover what matters most to your
soul. Debra will lead you in a direct experience of opening to the
Divine Light that is waiting to guide you to a life of effortless
"Debra Poneman and Janet
Attwood are two of the greatest transformational teachers on the
planet today. Not only are they both brilliant but they'll have you
laughing hysterically, guaranteed…that is, until they have you
weeping as they strike a chord deep inside. You really want to grab
this opportunity to spend time with and learn from these phenomenal
women. It's powerful to be with teachers who absolutely walk their
talk—and they both have hearts of gold."
--Katherine Woodward Thomas, NYTimes bestselling author of
Conscious Uncoupling and Calling in "The One"
A Deep Dive into Your
Heart and Soul
For the first time ever,
Janet and Debra have created a one-day event where they'll take you
on a deep dive into your heart and soul. You'll participate in
powerful rituals for prosperity and receive personal healings.
You'll learn processes to experience lasting self-love and
connection to Divine Guidance. Their commitment is that by the end
of the day, you'll have embraced your power, opened your heart and
realized who you really are and why you're here on earth at this
time. Limited to 12 people.
Dannion and
Kathryn Brinkley
• Near-Death
• Bestselling Authors
• International Speakers
Working to champion ethical consciousness, their mission is to help the transformation of cultural consciousness surrounding our spiritual embrace of life and death. They've dedicated their lives to spreading the good news: life is for celebrating, because there is no such thing as death!
In addition to writing, lecturing, and leading sacred tours, they
devote time each day to their non-profit organization, The Twilight
Brigade. Dannion is a former Marine, and both he and Kathryn are
children of American Veterans, possessing the deepest respect for
our Armed Forces. Putting his compassion in action, Dannion
co-founded The Twilight Brigade, in 1997, to train volunteers to be
a loving presence at the bedside of dying veterans. To date, he has
personally accrued more than 33,000 bedside hours and The Twilight
Brigade has trained nearly 7,000 volunteers.
As a committed team, Dannion and Kathryn remain undaunted in their
desire to create a higher consciousness of understanding the
celebration of birth, equal to the sacredness of our final
transition. They believe in living the ordinary life, in the most
extraordinary ways –on both sides of the veil!
Spiritual Alchemy: Combining Passion and Purpose to Design
Your Destiny
Bestselling authors of Secrets of the Light: Lessons from Heaven, and The Book of Us: Reawakening Our Spiritual Legacy. Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley invite you to join them for a workshop designed to explore the passionate celebration of finding your life's purpose and the direction in which it is meant to take you. As hospice volunteers, and near-death experience survivors, Dannion and Kathryn have a unique way of looking at the meaning of life. Because they believe that you chose and were chosen to be here, at this very place and point in history, they also believe that no one can accomplish the exact same job you agreed to complete. The chances of there being someone just like you are 1 in 16 billion! So, guess what? This indicates that your presence on the planet is absolutely imperative, and your understanding of your role, in the future of the world, is mandatory. If you are ready to remember and/or experience the infinite power of your soul's passion, join Dannion and Kathryn for an event that will change the way you live your life!
If you find that your passion is waning and you are having a hard time discerning your true purpose in life, this workshop is for you. Dannion and Kathryn know that, without a doubt, there is a Divine Blueprint at work in your life and this workshop will help you to reawaken your knowledge of your life's purpose.
In this 90-minute workshop, you will learn:
• The definition of P.A.S.S.I.O.N
• The ways to fuel your Passion
• How to use your Passion as a Spiritual Power
• The difference between your Personal and Divine Purpose
• How to clarify your present Cycle of Reality
Private Sessions
Readings with Dannion
After being struck by lightning, Dannion Brinkley awakened to an extraordinary psychic gift which has captivated clients for decades. He is sought after, from around the world, for his incomparable ability to connect with the other side, and relay messages of staggering accuracy. Whether you have questions about your career, your health, a relationship, or a departed loved one, he's guaranteed to amaze you! A reading with Dannion is a once in a lifetime event!
Jennifer McLean is an internationally acclaimed healer, author,
speaker, wellness entrepreneur and transformational change agent
who has inspired thousands across the globe for almost 30 years to
lead heart-centered lives focused on spiritual, mental, and
physical wellness.
As Founder and CEO of the multimillion-dollar wellness organization
McLean MasterWorks, Jennifer has transformed healing itself through
renowned initiatives such as "Healing With The Masters," "Living
Your Success Signature Business," and the live, innovative healing
membership site, MasterWorks Healing.
Trained in various healing modalities, one of her favorite methods
for facilitating healing is her acclaimed, proprietary Spontaneous
Transformation Technique, developed as a means to overcome her own
personal challenges with familial alcoholism, middle school
bullying, childhood sexual abuse, and cancer.
Applied to hundreds of thousands of lives for more than two
decades, this simple, seven-step Spontaneous Transformation process
recognizes emotional, physical and spiritual imbalances created by
corresponding thoughts, memories, beliefs and experiences.
From abuse, abandonment and physical disease to anger, fear, stress
and grief, The Spontaneous Transformation Technique helps
individuals locate and understand the origin of discomfort, without
revisiting the events that caused pain and suffering, and move from
surviving to thriving by releasing held trauma and re-aligning
internal energy flow.
Spontaneous Transformation
Everyone experiences personal upset at some point. Unbenounced to
us, this upset triggers a cycle of reactive feelings and emotions
deep in our subconscious. The resulting beliefs established limit
our perception of life itself, and impede the energetic flow and
natural functionality of our emotional and physical bodies.
Science agrees that lifelong emotional anguish and the stress it
causes has a direct link to physical disease.
For more than 25 years, best-selling author and leading human
potential change agent, Jennifer McLean, has served as a healing
facilitator and catalyst, guiding hundreds of thousands worldwide
to safely address previously inaccessible emotions and transmute
their deepest fears, core blocks, and old beliefs into new levels
of alignment, balance, growth and vitality.
Through guided meditations, visualization exercises, energy
attunements and cognitive interaction, this workshop allows you to
personally experience her proprietary and renowned Spontaneous
Transformation Technique.
This simple and proven seven-step process is designed for these
unique and extreme times. It acknowledges the body as a miraculous
vessel for holding and recognizes the emotional, physical and
spiritual imbalances created by corresponding thoughts, memories,
beliefs and experiences.
From abuse, addiction, abandonment and physical disease to anger,
fear, stress and grief, The Spontaneous Transformation Technique
helps individuals gently and precisely locate and understand their
origin of discomfort and align the spirit with a true state of
freedom, power, self-love and self-acceptance.
Expect to:
- Identify and transform habitual reactions and thoughts at both
cognitive and spiritual levels
- Learn how to dismantle the paradigm of bracing against or being victimized by life's circumstances and discover peace and freedom
- Participate in visualization and meditation exercises that
promote confidence, understanding, healing, and creation of new
"neural pathway" beliefs
- Integrate your new level of mental clarity and self-awareness
into your daily life through energy attunements
Dr. Susan Shumsky has dedicated her life to helping people take
command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive
ways. She is the best-selling author of 13 books, published by
Simon & Schuster, Random House, and New Page. A pioneer in the
human potential field, she has spent nearly 50 years teaching
thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition.
Her book titles include Miracle Prayer, Divine Revelation,
Exploring Meditation, Exploring Auras, Exploring Chakras,
How to Hear the Voice of God, Ascension, Instant Healing,
The Power of Auras, The Power of Chakras, Awaken Your Third Eye,
Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Color Your Chakras, and
Maharishi and Me.
Dr. Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher,
award-winning author, and founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique
field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing
and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance.
For 22 years, her mentor was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who was guru of
the Beatles and guru of Deepak Chopra. Dr. Shumsky served on
Maharishi's personal staff for 7 years.
A sought-after media guest and highly acclaimed professional
speaker, Dr. Shumsky has done over 650 speaking engagements and
over 850 media appearances since her first book was published,
including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles
Times, nationally syndicated TV and radio on ABC, NBC, CBS, and
FOX news, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William
Shatner's Weird or What? She is featured in the movie
Three Magic Words and The Illumined Ones.
How To Get Clear Divine Guidance
Deep within the heart of every soul is the desire to
experience and communicate directly with Spirit. In fact, the
divine presence is not the exclusive property of great saints,
sages, and holy men. Everyone is a child of God and worthy to
receive the blessings of Spirit. In this profound workshop, Dr.
Susan will introduce proven techniques for opening your heart,
mind, and spirit to the riches of inner divine contact. She will
lead you in a guided meditation, conducted by the Holy Spirit,
which will open the pipeline to Spirit and begin the flow of divine
guidance, love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from the center of
being within. You will learn how to listen to the "still small
voice" within, how to go direct to Spirit without a middleman, and
how to experience higher consciousness.
In this awe-inspiring, special breakthrough workshop and
meditation, you will:
- Tap into your in-house counselor: your inner guidance and inner
- Discover your true life purpose and divine destiny.
- Awaken the four basic experiences that will enrich your life with
untold miracles.
- Get clear inner signals in 6 ways to identify specific aspects of
your inner divinity.
- Receive clear answers to your questions and inner messages in 3
different ways.
- Pass through the seeming veil that has separated us from
- Experience God's supernal light, divine love, and sublime,
ecstatic inner contact.
- Heal ego blockages that have prevented clear inner divine contact
and communication.
- Experience the divine presence anytime you want, at will.
- Never be alone again.
Maharishi and Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles'
Guru Susan Shumsky is a successful author in the New Age/Spirituality field, writing books on meditation, intuition, prayer, auras, chakras, and the like. But in the 1970s, she was one of only a handful of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's personal attendants and administrators, in India, Switzerland, and elsewhere. Following the teachings of Maharishi displaced Susan's devotion to the hippie lifestyle, as she learned about meditation and grew spiritually self aware.
Maharishi died in 2008 at the age of 90, but his influence continues throughout the Western World as a result of the spiritual movement he founded: TM (Transcendental Meditation). Other books have been written about the guru, but this one offers an insider's view of life and learning in Rishikesh - including the time when the Beatles came to learn at the feet of Maharishi - as well as behind-the-scene stories and photos of other celebrity disciples. The author lived in the spiritual leader's ashrams for 22 years, and served on his personal staff for six of those years.
Susan shares: "Merely by being in his presence, we disciples
entered an utterly timeless place and rapturous feeling, and, at
the same time, realized the utter futility and insanity of the
mundane world."
Susan grew from a painfully shy teenage seeker into a spiritually
aware teacher and author in her own right. Maharishi &
Me is an honest and dynamic expose about a
great spiritual master (who was also a human being), and
his dysfunctional organization.
Melissa Joy
Melissa Joy Jonsson (M-Joy) is a best-selling author, speaker,
inspirational leader, and founding instructor of "M-Joy" teachings.
She is best-known for her ability to engage people from all over
the world to embrace True Authentic Power and intuition by playing
in the field of the heart. Melissa has co-taught Matrix Energetics
seminars around the globe since 2008. In 2014 she launched the
"M-Joy" seminars, a holonomic system fostering heart-centered
awareness, authenticity, and personal empowerment. Melissa's
teachings are a culmination of her cohesive work integrating
scientific principles and spiritual concepts into practical daily
experiences. She provides a language of light to experience
self-love as the physics of integrity. Melissa is the author of the
best-selling books The Integrity Effect (2017), Little
Book of Big Potentials: 24 Fields of Flow, Fulfillment,
Abundance, and Joy in Everyday Life (2015) and
M-Joy Practically Speaking: Matrix Energetics and Living Your
Infinite Potential (2014). She also authored Practical
Play the Heart-Centered Way: A Complementary Play Guide to Little
Book of Big Potentials (2016). Melissa co-authored, with Dr.
Richard Bartlett, Into the Matrix: Guides, Grace, and the Field
of the Heart (2013) and The Physics of Miracles: Tapping
in to the Field of Consciousness Potential (2010).
Practical Metaphysics for Extraordinary Living
Join Melissa Joy (M-Joy) for Practical PLAY the
Field Flow Way, focused on heart-centered awareness, the physics of
Integrity, and self-love as the new normal. Embody the Field of the
Heart; experience your True Authentic Self (TAS) for extraordinary
living. Come as you are, bring your curiosity, and leave
transformed. Melissa Joy shares her legendary, practical
progressive teachings on Heart-Centered Awareness, Quantum Physics,
Torsion Field Physics, Morphic Fields… and You! Change the way you
create and relate to everything through the Heart of completion and
commanding Field Flow.
The field of the heart provides us with direct access to our inner
voice, our inner wisdom, and our inner chamber of limitless
potential. Dropping down into the heart field enables us to embody
a coherent state of awareness, thus bypassing the segregation and
limitations of the mind to access the totality of consciousness
before the collapse of the wave function. In the heart field, we go
directly to the sea of coherent potential and can connect to any
morphic field in consciousness. Heart-centered awareness is a
consciousness of completion. When embodied, heart-centered
awareness becomes a vehicle for a new reality based in unity, love,
connection and limitless potential.
Reality in the WE experience; Do You Create Your Own Reality?
Consider that our experience of reality is more than the sole result of individual creative impulses; rather, reality is a function of a complex interplay of interconnected variables. Our individual choices, as well as the choices of others, are inexorably woven together in an interdependent synergy that creates a diverse tapestry of experiences. Our individual experiences are entangled with everyone else's individual experiences and are often a function of morphic resonance. Reality includes all these experiences. Discover the power of commanding field flow. Change your field resonance and everything can change.
Allison Hayes ~ The Rock Girl® is Transformational
Speaker, Empowerment Expert and Master Teacher, specializing in
Personal Growth & Spiritual Transformation. A dynamic and
engaging speaker, Allison marries the Mainstream with the
Metaphysical. Her direct, no-nonsense approach and instant
connection to the audience not only educates, but motivates,
inspires and empowers people across the globe. Allison is an
International, Award Winning Psychic and Founder of The Rock Girl
Sacred Stone School. She travels worldwide as a Master Teacher
& Healer and is currently teaching The Rock Girl Power Stone
Healer® Program throughout Japan.
A popular Radio Personality throughout the nation, The Rock Girl
has graced the cover of OM Times Magazine, appeared on the season
finale of Cyndi Lauper's She's Still So Unusual on WE Television,
and was awarded the prestigious Psychic of the Year – 2011 &
2012 and Celebrity's Choice Winner by Shay Parker's Best American
Psychics. Allison Hayes ~ The Rock Girl is a celebrity favorite,
and offers Psychic and Soul Path Readings, internationally
recognized Rock Girl Workshops®, and other services on a strictly
confidential basis.
Empower Your Spiritual Warrior Within ~ Find your Passion
Feed Your Soul!
Are you ready to Overcome Your Obstacles, Embrace
Just because it's in your Karma doesn't mean you have to keep
Join The Rock Girl and re-write your Karmic Contracts as she walks
you through a step-by-step process of Creating your own Divine
This fun-filled, high energy workshop promises something for
everyone. Allison's workshops encourage audience participation, and
each audience member walks away with a deeper understanding of Self
& Soul. Recover a piece of yourself, find your Passion, your
Purpose, a New Direction, and/or a Renewed Sense of Self.
Allison combines her skills as an International Empowerment
Speaker, Award Winning Psychic, Master Teacher and Founder of The
Rock Girl Sacred Stone School to offer you a life-altering
experience. Make sure to bring a notebook and pen, and discover
where your Soul Map will lead!
Messages from Mother Earth & Spirit with The Rock Girl®
~ Gallery Reading
Where will your Soul Map lead? Join The Rock Girl
for an evening of accurate, detailed, and evidential Soul Path
& Psychic Readings!
With her unique Crystalline Soul Mapping™ technique, Allison will
uncover the hidden messages buried so deeply in the stones. She can
help you find your Passion & Purpose, and attain deep, long
lasting healing on a Soul level, that can not only change your
energy, but can change your outcome.
Whether you have questions about love and relationships, career, past lives, connecting to your Spirit Guides or finding your Soul's deepest purpose, Allison can help you do what she does best…discover the Legacy of your Soul.
Private Study Group
The Rock Girl will be offering a Private Study
Group, while sailing, for those participants who listed The Rock
Girl as their referral on the Passion & Purpose Cruise.
Discounted rates for private Psychic & Soul Path Readings will
also be offered; however, the readings will be scheduled after the
Cruise due to the many amazing activities and full itinerary
offered while aboard.
You can register for the Private Study Group and Discounted
Readings by emailing Marla at info@TheRockGirl.com. The Rock
Girl looks forward to Cruising with you!
Charis Melina
Internationally acclaimed author, motivational speaker, and intuitive educator, Charis Melina Brown has been a practitioner of the holistic healing arts for over 15 years. She holds two master's degrees in transpersonal psychology and health education, and is the author of the Starseed Series.
Charis facilitates retreats,
workshops, seminars, and classes across the United States ushering
kindred spirits through multiple levels of soul evolution. Her
motto is "Ascension Through Deliciousness." She believes that we
are already stepping into the planet's new Golden Age of culture
and deep, connected understanding, and that the more we each look
within, integrate our shadow sides courageously, and shine with
heart-based, loving intent, the more our world will effortlessly
heal and shine back to us.
All of Charis's work is imbued with Reiki
and Prana. She is a Reiki Master in the Usui lineage as well as a
practitioner of tantra, active listening, and reflective energy
Your Life Purpose: Owning Your
Innate Superpower
Using meditation and memory-hacking
techniques, this workshop will guide you through a comprehensive
journey to identify the unique specialties and talents you've had
all your life.
Our life purpose has always been
there. Often, our own superpowers are invisible to us because they
are so natural and innate. In this workshop, you'll be taken
through visualizations to uncover and strengthen the gifts you've
always had. Experience a clarifying, inspiring 90 minutes full of
positive energy that will transform your experience on this cruise
to something even better than you were already expecting. Benefit
from powerful energy healing and activation techniques. Create
customized affirmations to guide you into your next level of
purpose, power, and joy.
Charis's transformative leadership style
will leave you full of energy, smiles, passion, and a new
understanding of your unique purpose. Just by attending, you'll
receive a gentle yet profound energy healing and chi infusion.
You'll walk away with a upgraded sense of self-worth, a new depth
of self-love, and more grounded confidence in your own special
abilities and how they fit in to this world. Bring a notebook,
you'll want to write some of this down!
The Goddess Rising: Activate
Your Divine Feminine Frequency
She's been held down for millennia,
and we are now living in a time when the goddess is rising again
within each of us to create a planet more harmonious and beautiful
than ever before.
In this workshop, experience Charis's unique "Ascension Through Deliciousness" technique to understand more deeper levels of what it means to live in your own alignment and place of peaceful power and joy as an unapologetic, beautiful, sexy, blissful, intelligent woman.
Connect with soul sisters. Shine. This
time will be Reiki and Prana infused, and you'll walk away with a
new sense of your own majesty. Bring a notebook, you'll want to
write some of this down!
Life Purpose
Spend an hour feeling fully seen and
honored as your Akashic records are lovingly read and your energy
is powerfully aligned. Connect with Charis as she leads you
through a process of uncovering the majesty of who you truly are,
understanding your unique place in this world, and feeling more
confidence than ever before about your special role on this
planet. Charis's work is life changing and this can be an
important step on your life path, opening you to new vistas of
60 Minute Private Session: $222
Sondra Sneed
When Sondra Sneed's pen wrote without her notice, she began a year of solitude talking to herself. "Unemployed?" The pen wrote. "It is my assertion you are employed by me." Although an atheist at the time, this event sparked a yearlong, written dialogue with the creator of the universe, producing ten spiral notebooks by its end. Sondra later scribed the book, "What to Do When You're Dead; a Former Atheist Interviews the Source of Infinite Being." Neale Donald Walsh's editor published Sondra's manuscript in 2014, setting her on the stage to present verbal transliteration as a Godscribe, Source communicator, and soul reader for audiences and individual clients around the world. Sondra has since performed over 1600 soul readings and 40 unique Source Talks. Source Talks are where she allows the Being she calls God to speak through her on stage. Titles of these talks and workshops have included, "The Word that Signaled Time", "Tyrants of the Mind", and "Life on Purpose". Her soul readings are equally unique. To perform the reading, Sondra allows God within the client to speak through her. This allows a personal conversation with one's own conscience.
Passion's Purpose: The Year You Come to Terms
So often we confuse passion for purpose, which causes us to fade before anything useful is created. In this Source Talk* you'll get a first-hand view of the mind, how it fizzles before making the thing that sparked passion in the first place.
You'll learn why certain people in your circle of friends are some of the worst culprits of your failures to launch, and why launching the true nature of your being may leave you feeling like you're way out on a limb, alone.
You'll also learn:
- What you need around you to succeed
- What you need to eliminate to succeed
- What you need to evaluate to succeed
- What you need to overcome to succeed
Success in passion is not possible. Success in purpose, however, is the only way to live *on* purpose. Find out what makes a success or failure and how to enter your best way forward.
*About: Source Talks
These unique talks are conscious trans channeling, (verbal transliteration), derived from Source Intelligence; aka God. Think Neal Donald Walsch meets Esther Hicks.
Raising the Bar and Being Ready
When you have figured out what you want to do, you need only make daily goals and complete each task on a regular basis. Before long, you'll see where your dreams and effort have led you. But are you ready?
Setting the bar high enough will propel you into directions not yet tested. This projection can be exhilarating and motivating. But if you are unprepared for the success of your goals, you may unconsciously sabotage any effort to obtain them.
This Workshop Source Talk will teach you:
- The difference between wants and needs; and why they're important
- How readiness can help either stall, bore, or misdirect you
- What it takes to propel yourself into preparedness, or out of it
- How expectations can mess up opportunity
- How to derail yourself without even trying
No matter where you set the bar, it will require more of you than you can predict. But if you have no idea of what the bar is measuring, you just might miss the ever-important opportunities that make ‘being ready' a frightening prospect in the first place.
Private Sessions
Soul Reading with Source Intelligence
Cruise Special: $200 - 1-hour session
Ever wanted a private conversation with God? I allow the small voice that's always with you to speak through me. Universal Intelligence provides amazing information about who you truly are and why you're here.
"I just felt a need to tell you how much your reading has changed my life. It has given me hope, a sense of peace...Before the soul reading, I felt that my life was hopeless and something I had to endure." Patty - Houston
Find Out More here: http://Godscribe.com/personal-consultations
Chris Michaels is a husband, executive coach, national speaker, entrepreneur and author. Chris' recent book, The Power of You, published by Penguin Press in 2014 received a Silver medal in the Nautilus Awards, an organization that recognizes world-changing books.
For twenty-five years, Chris has inspired, empowered and educated
others to find their true calling. His entrepreneurial spirit led
him to create successful webinars and author numerous programs such
as: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities, Value-driven Leadership,
Start a Movement, Not just a Business, and Non-Conformity in the
Work Environment.
Chris is also a highly sought after keynote speaker, having had
over one thousand engagements at various conferences and events
around the world. He speaks globally on entrepreneurship,
mindfulness and living an authentic life.
When not building programs, writing and speaking, he can be found
in Florida soaking up the sun and dreaming of his next big
Life Purpose Project
You're not really conscious until you're living from your own vision of what life can be. Until then, you're just a character in someone else's drama.
The question of the day, or even the question of your life: Are you
living your purpose?
Do you have a dream that's deferred? Have you recently lost your job? Are you counting the days until retirement? Maybe you just started a new business and want to take it to the next level?
At different stages in life, it's important to reconnect with your values and make sure you're living a purpose-filled life. That's exactly why I have created The Life Purpose Project.
In 2004, Dan Buettner teamed up with National Geographic and the world's best researchers to identify areas around the world where people lived long, healthy, and happy lives. What he found was that diet is an important factor in longevity, but purpose is what keeps people alive. Purpose gets us up in the morning and gives meaning to our lives.
The problem is: purpose isn't something we are taught to pursue as we assume adulthood. Society encourages us to align ourselves with the many who are raising children, paying mortgages and planning for retirement. So we get in line and take our place in our work-a-day world. However this unconscious choice has an effect on our lives. Before we know it, five, ten or even twenty years have passed without any thought as to the purpose of what we're doing.
Even if you're one of those people who always knew what you wanted to do in life and started out with a purpose-driven goal, you may have lost focus or grown bored over time. What inspired you at twenty years old may have lost its luster.
Because people are living longer, we often have to rediscover our purpose many times. At different stages in life, it's important to reconnect with our values and check our pulse to see if we're living on purpose.
Private Coaching Sessions with Dr. Chris
If you're looking for more of a personal approach to finding your
Life Purpose, you may choose private coaching with Dr. Chris
Michaels. As a Life Coach, his gift is perfect clarity. He is able
to see beyond the barriers of limitations in your life to get to
the core issue blocking your good.
Lynn Robinson
Lynn Robinson is one of the leading experts on the hot topic of
intuition. She calls it our "Inner GPS." When we listen to it and
act on its wisdom, it directs us towards success. As a speaker,
Lynn consistently receives rave reviews for her energy, enthusiasm,
depth of content, sense of humor and down-to-earth style.
Her career was launched over twenty years ago when her intuition
led her to take a seat next to a stranger at a friend's funeral.
The outcome was a Boston Globe article that resulted in 500 clients
seeking her advice as an intuitive advisor. Since then, her "spot
on" unique insights have helped thousands of clients clarify and
realize their dreams.
She's the author of eight books on intuition, which have been
published in over twelve languages. Her latest is, Put Your
Intuition to Work: How to Supercharge Your Inner Wisdom to Think
Fast and Make Great Decisions. She's also the author of Divine
Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace and Prosperity. You
can learn more at LynnRobinson.com
Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace and
According to Lynn Robinson, you have an unwavering and reliable
guidance system that provides clear and accurate direction via your
"inner voice." Helping you hear and interpret its callings is
Lynn's mission in her intuitive consulting business, and in her
best-selling book, "Divine Intuition." It's also her mission in
this engaging seminar/workshop, in which she'll demystify the
concept of intuition, show you the wisdom of your "gut instincts,"
teach you how to read the intuitive signs as they appear, and help
you effectively interpret the various forms of information you
receive, including feelings, symbols, words, dreams and physical
When you're in touch with your intuition, every moment in your life
takes on a whole new dimension as messages pour in. Your ability to
assess each situation for immediate answers allows you to move
smoothly on your chosen path. Decision-making becomes quick, easy
and fruitful. And you move closer and closer to your best life by
divining what is true for you! Don't miss this opportunity to
discover how to:
• Identify the primary ways that intuition communicates with
• Interpret the intuitive information you receive.
• Find creative solutions to difficult problems.
• Enhance your ability to use intuition for guidance with
co-workers, friends and family.
• Develop intuitive skills that can guide you to prosperity.
• Make successful decisions when you don't have all the
• Envision, attract and create the life you were meant to
Lynn Robinson has been an intuitive advisor to individuals and
businesses for more than 20 years. Besides "Divine Intuition," she
has authored several other books, including "Put Your Intuition to
Work," "Listen," "Compass of the Soul" and Real Prosperity.
How to Make a Living Doing What You Love!
You've taken all the Reiki classes and are passionate about using
your gift of healing. Or you're a talented medium and your friends
are wowed by the information you channel. Or perhaps you've
developed an awesome ability to tune into animals and provide
guidance to their owners. This is all exciting. You feel you're on
the right track with your calling and purpose, but now what...? How
do you make a living by doing what you love?
Lynn Robinson is an author, speaker and intuitive advisor who began
her own successful business over 20 years ago. According to Lynn,
you have an unwavering and reliable guidance system that provides a
clear and accurate "inner GPS" to create an abundant and successful
life. Helping you interpret its signals is her mission in her
intuitive readings, classes, and in her best-selling books. In this
engaging presentation she'll show you the wisdom of your inner
guidance, teach you how to read the intuitive signs as they appear,
and help you effectively interpret the information you
When you're in touch with your intuition, every moment in your life
takes on a whole new dimension. Your ability to assess each
situation for immediate answers allows you to move smoothly on your
chosen path. Decision-making becomes quick and easy. And you'll
discover fun and interesting ways to make a living doing what you
In this presentation you'll discover how to...
• Receive and interpret intuitive guidance to help you in your
• Find creative ways to attract great clients.
• Enhance your ability to use intuition for personal
• Combine the power of "Law of Attraction" techniques with
• Use the three-step action plan for getting unstuck.
• Envision and create the life you were meant to live.
• Understand your calling and purpose.
Intuitive Sessions With Lynn Robinson
We all have an inborn guidance system that provides clear and
accurate direction to create a successful and happy life. However,
there are times when we need the "extra" insight from a gifted
intuitive to help us on our path.
Do you…Have a big dream and need guidance to manifest it? Have
questions about the right next steps for your business or life?
Need some spiritual direction about your passion and purpose?
Schedule an appointment! 30 and 60 minute sessions
Cynthia Mazzaferro is a highly acclaimed and gifted Motivational Speaker, International Award Winning and #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author, Energy and Intuitive Healer, Reiki Master, and Life Coach. Cindy's an expert on bridging the science, spirit, and infinite possibilities that we each hold. She's a master energy practitioner and an authority on neural and emotional clearing and energetic healing that addresses negative subconscious memory and emotional debris that impacts health and human performance. Cindy helps one master their internal experiences regardless of their external environment. Her passion is to assist, empower and inspire people in their personal growth, establishing their inner and outer-health, and awakening their passion and purpose. As an intuitive master, Cindy is able to connect the voice of your soul to the truth of your heart. As an intuitive and master healer, Cindy achieves amazing and long-lasting results. Cindy's inspirational and transformational, self-help book, Powerful Beyond Measure - Explores your Past, Empowers your Present, and Envisions your Future filled with purpose, passion, and miracles. She guides you to embrace your POWER WITHIN where all things possible! Powerful Beyond Measure is an active Miracle that unfolds perfectly in your life allowing you more happiness, love, abundance, and success. There is no greater gift that you can give yourself, than to allow your Light to Shine and your destiny to be fulfilled. Available on-line and in stores.
Powerful Beyond Measure - Awaken Your Power Within Where
All Things Are Possible!
Create the Magic, Reveal the Miracles, and Release your Passions Amazing, empowering, and profoundly inspiring! Cindy charismatically draws you in as she interactively engages with each participant and shares her brilliance with clearing emotional debris, energy healing, and the igniting the power of your infinite potential. You'll awaken your Power Within that enables healing on every level while embracing your intuition and passions to create the life you truly want and deserve to live. Discover the 3 transformational steps required to become Powerful Beyond Measure where ALL things are Possible, even the impossible! You hold everything you need to create the inner-health, harmony, and happiness that transforms your outer physical life to one that is amazing, miraculous, and abundant. Come explore how your past continues to impact your life even today and permanently eliminate the negative emotional energetic debris that resides within. Understand how our emotions, perceptions, memories, and expectations have a life of their own and can set you up for failure or success. Learn practical techniques to empower the present by embracing your beautiful loving self that catapults you into a life filled with vibrancy, authenticity, abundance and success. As you become more authentic and open to your intuition, the voice of your soul, the greater the understanding and ability to transform your life, health, and happiness. You'll learn how to communicate with your Soul and be able to obtain important guidance and answers to many of your questions. Your energy flow will be assessed and positively impacted and there will be opportunities to do some individual energetic healings with audience members during the presentation. Just envision your life as you awaken to your spiritual gifts, passions, and divine ‘Power Within', a future filled with infinite and amazing miracles and Universal Energy that support your destiny and purpose.
Break Free of Your Past and Uncover Physical Issues Holding
you Down
"Not All Physical Symptoms have Physical Origins." Understand the energetic connections that is impacting your health and well-being and create the shift here in this dynamic and interactive presentation. Join Cindy as she engages with participants and clears emotional debris, eliminating energy blocks, rebalances your chakras and also does healings. Watch as she's able to identify the location of inflammation or blockage in the body and the emotional tie that is impacting your body. By tracing the imbalance and connecting to the root cause or source whether proactively or if you have a symptom you can restore internal homeostasis and improve symptoms or well-being. Learn how to energetically test your energy flows homo-lateral or cross-lateral. Simple energy exercise will be introduced for revitalization and vibrancy as well as how to normalize optimal energy flow. Learn how to assess your 7 chakras health and use meridian mapping to sedate or activate and balance your energy flow along that meridian line and chakra. Finding the connection to the root cause of this energy disturbance will be explored. As you address and release the root cause, you also will positively affect your inner and outer health. This powerful energy healing will cross over into all areas of your life and open doors to your infinite Divine potential. You have enormous capabilities that allow one to be Powerful Beyond Measure. Awaken your Power Within and heal on every level while embracing your intuition and passions to create the life you truly want and deserve to live. You'll want to learn these important tools and depart from this cruise with a restored energetic inner-health rebalancing that positively affects your outer world too.
1 hour Private Master Energy Healing
Choose your Healing:
1) Full Body Reiki Therapeutic Healing Session
2) Energy Scanning, Aura Mending, and Chakra Rebalancing
3) Symptom Reduction with Tapping and/or Meridian Tracing specific
for you
Choose a one hour personalized energy session from a Reiki Master
and Energy and Intuitive Healer that is specific for your needs to
balance, restore, and harmonize. This powerful session creates
increased relaxation, healing, and improved well-being.
3/4 hour Private Forgiveness and Ancestral Clearing
Forgiveness and Ancestral Clearing Session allows you to break free
from your past and clears trapped energy holding you back. Past
Karma from ancestral lineage, current life trauma and unresolved
emotional energy can continue to negatively impact your health,
relationships, and success. Experience amazing shifts through
forgiveness, prayers, and imagery that allows for a release of
trapped energetic emotional debris and freedom to move on.
1/2 hour - Intuitive Soul Messages and Personal
Reading Reveal your inner wisdom with Cindy's Intuitive Soul Messages that tens of thousands participate weekly. Your Soul will guide you to hear powerful messages for the seven main chakras that can create incredible insight and remarkable changes in your life. In addition, receive an intuitive Reading to gain focus and clarity. Understanding what's holding you back and where you should focus allows you infinite wisdom and abilities to miraculously transform your life.
Book any 2 Private Sessions and receive a complimentary
first edition, autographed copy of my international award winning
book, Powerful Beyond Measure. In addition, you'll receive permanent access to Powerful Beyond Measure MindPT session that has been scientifically proven that just by watching it 3 minutes a day can positively impact your health, emotions, thoughts and what you create in your life.
Cindy Mazzaferro will be giving all passengers who listed Cynthia
Mazzaferro as their referral on the Passion & Purpose Cruise an
amazing GIFT to further your spiritual journey while onboard the
Allure of the Seas. Discounted rates for private sessions are
offered and may be scheduled during or before/after the
To secure your discounted Private
Sessions of Healing, Intuitive Readings, and Activation of Passion
and Purpose Goals email Cindy at info@CynthiaMazzaferro.com.
For those passengers that PRE-PAY their personal sessions, you'll
have first choice on scheduling your sessions onboard the Allure of
the Seas.
Empower your SOUL while cruising along
the Eastern Caribbean Universal Divine Energy
Lilian Bern
I am a Holistic Therapist, a Healer and a Teacher.I have been using
transformational communication, energy work, imagery and intuition
for 45 years to help people heal mind, body, spirit, emotions,
relationships and environment.
I inform, inspire, challenge and model in my quest to bring more light, love, peace and beauty into or world. I wish to diminish suffering for all beings. I do this individually, in couples, families, groups and institutions, as well as in Nature.
I am a feminist Marriage, Family, and Child Therapist, Neurolinguistic Programmer, Clnical Hypnotherapist, Non Denominational Minister, College Instructor of Psychology and Women's Studies, Cellular Trauma Release Work Practitioner and Teacher, Certified in Tapping and Hands on Healing Techniques, as well as Dream Interpretation.
I believe that most things can be healed if we get rid or, correct
or heal all the causes. A requirement is ha people have the
attitude ow Willingness to Change.
I aspire to help people reach their Highest Potential and live
lives filled with Integrity, Love, Peace, Passion, Purpose and
Steps towards Enlightenment
I aspire to clarify what we are here to DO and BE in order to
participate in lifting ourselves and humanity from suffering and
surviving, to thriving, being well, and loving Life...and beyond
We are not all at the same level of Soul Development, and I will
give a glimpse of ways you can help our soul become wiser and have
more light.
We can make choices to heal past traumas, false beliefs, harmful habits, and not participate in the mistreatment of humans to other humans, animals, and the Planet. We also need to uncover and correct ways in which we have been mistreating ourselves.
Then we are empowered to make Beneficial Choices!
As we make beneficial choices not just for ourselves or our
families, but also to all others others, we practice being good,
doing good and feeling better and better...we get more light in our
soul, more happiness and love in our hearts, and a life really
worth living.
You will learn the value of expressing and releasing negative
thoughts and emotions, the power of words to help ourselves and
others increase our life force, applications of the Golden
Holistic Living and Healing
We will compare and contrast the medical model (about Illness) with
a Holistic approach (about creating health, and the connection of
all things)
In this workshop you will be empowered to understand that it is the
causes of things that matter, and we do not need to suffer while we
control symptoms.
You will also know that there are many influences, not just one
cause, and we can reverse nearly anything.
Mind, body, spirit, emotions and relationships all influence one
another, nothing is purely physical. Therefore, we can make
beneficial choices at every level, have fun, and re make
Holistic Living and Healing is a workshop the whole world needs. It
is never too late to learnHow to create Health and well being, how
to feel well and be well.
The key roles of nutrition, emotions and beliefs in how our life
Private Sessions:
Energy Field Assessment
I will dowse your energy field in 24 places to assess how open your
Aura is, and to find any blockages that are keeping you struck or
preventing you from being who you want to be and doing what you
want to do.Tthis also uncovers patterns that are undesirable, as
well as traumas that have not been healed. The reading includes the
present time, and your history in this lifetime.
Some readings take longer than others, One dollar and a half per
Dream Interpretation
Dreams carry valuable information about ourselves in symbolic messages. I have several methods to help you interpret your dreams, it is fun and amazing. If you have had repetitive dreams, weird dreams or awesome dreams, bring them to a session. You will get to know yourself better by understanding your sub-conscious.
One dollar and a half per minute.
Cellular Trauma Release Work
We can find and release energetic and emotional blocks from
traumatic past experiences, or from unmet needs in childhood. The
are in your energy field, in your tissues, and in your
sub-conscious. they are behind habits and defense mechanisms.
The work is intense, at times dramatic, and the liberation
permanent. One and a half dollars per minute.
Dr Antoine Chevalier, PhD, MPP, HK, International Speaker, Teacher, Healer, Researcher (USA, Canada, Japan, Europe), who received the Honorary Global Changemaker of the year Award for his work contributions to carrying forward the legacy of non violence as a way of life and "being the change you wish to see in the world" by Ghandi's BE Magazine. Dr Chevalier will offer lectures and private sessions. Dr Antoine will talk about the latest peer reviewed scientifically published research regarding Holographic Kinetics healing Autism and Milirary Veterans clinically diagnosed with PTSD, Depression, suicidal thoughts. Developed by Steve Richards, Holographic Kinetics is the 60,000 years old metaphysical science behind the Dreamtime Healing tradition from the Australian aborigines. He will also talk about the latest research using medical electrical acupuncture without needles (MPSTHERAPY.COM) for Traumatic Brain Injury, Tremors, Concussions, eyesight improvement, lower back & neck pain and much more. He will talk about the latest scientifically published research on the healing properties of Cannabinoids (CBD) Nano water. He will demonstrate what the bioenergetic qest4 German machine and his new bio photonics loght homeopathic device can do for you. All these modalities will be available for you during a private session one on one or couple or family constellation work. For more information, you can read Dr Antoine's book "hidden powers of creation: Holographic Kinetics, a real mental health revolution" and the published articles at www.DrAntoineChevalier.com.
A Bientôt!
How Can Holographic Kinetics Unlock your Passion and
Purpose in Life?
Dr Antoine Chevalier, PhD, MPP, HK, International Speaker, Teacher, Healer, Researcher (USA, Canada, Japan, Europe), Honorary Global Changemaker by Ghandi's Be Magazine, Dr Chevalier will lecture about the latest peer reviewed scientifically published research regarding Holographic Kinetics healing Autism and Milirary Veterans clinically diagnosed with PTSD, Depression, suicidal thoughts. Developed by Steve Richards, Holographic Kinetics is the 60,000 years old metaphysical science behind the Dreamtime healing tradition from the Australian aborigines.
He will explain how this ancient, but new to westerners,
metaphysical modality has the ability to assist you UNLOCK your
true passion and purpose in Life.
He will also demonstrate what the bioenergetic qest4 German machine
and the new bio photonics Light homeopathic device can do for
All these modalities will be available for you during a private session one on one or couple or family constellation work. For more information, you can read Dr Antoine's book "hidden powers of creation: Holographic Kinetics, a real mental health revolution" and the published articles at
A Bientôt!
Future of Alternative Complementary Integrative
Dr Antoine provides a new model for people seeking alternative
complementary integrative medicine and spiritual solutions in their
Dr Chevalier will share and show you how the following modalities
can genuinely and safely empower you in your quest for good health,
passion and purpose in your life.
- Holographic kinetics for Spiritual and mental
- Medical Electrical Acupuncture without Needles for physical
- Cannabinoids Nano Water for your physical health.
Qest 4 German device for your mental and physical health.
New bio light homeopathic remedy device for your physical health
and raising very quickly your frequency.
For more information, read Dr Antoine's book "Hidden Powers of Creation: Holographic Kinetics, a Real Mental Health Revolution"
Published articles :
A Bientôt
Private Sessions:
Dr Antoine will customize according to what you need. He will offer
different modalities such as:
- Holographic kinetics
- Medical Electrical Acupuncture without needles
- Cannabinoids Nano Water
- Qest 4 German radionics machine
- New Bio photonics light homeopathic remedy device
- Naturopathic NON GMO, organic pure premium food
- Golden Light Meditation
And more ....