MOUNT SHASTA Divine Revelation Retreats |
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Divine Revelation
Ascension Retreat
![]() Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE
DIVINE TRAVELS TOURS & RETREATS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE
![]() SITE MAP DIVINE TRAVELS TOURS & RETREATS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "I must say though that
this mountain is so spiritually filled and I'm radiating this
divine energy within and out...Thank you Shasta for this perfect
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE
![]() SITE MAP DIVINE TRAVELS TOURS & RETREATS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "I experienced many
powerful breakthroughs during the week there on the mountain and
they are still coming! Thank you Susan for facilitating our group
and teaching us so much about Divine Revelation! It's a practice
that I am One with and I'm ever so grateful for this divine
clarity! Yeah, Yeah!"
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "I am grateful for the experiences: going deeper with a sense of awareness of the levels prayerfully; discernment very helpful--really helped my own inner sensitivities; Naming and speaking-through: trust of the divine within; I am still with the Ascended Master that came to me. The above have increased interior awareness of 'my' I AM - Ascended Masters, particularly Mother Mary, who lingers within and revealed an ambivalence within myself that needed healing and at the same time allows me to stay without judgment with Self and Love. The yoga opened up chakras and I felt my 'spine' more expansive. I appreciate the breath of East and West! The Prayer Treatment helped to see how I can inspire groups. I also was deeply moved by Joanna Cherry's workshop, particularly the manner in which she shared her story and also bringing me to a place with my Divine Ascended Master. Overall, I appreciated the commitment and interior conviction within the team. Susan, I appreciate the clarity and the fine tuning of the knowledge and learnings that you bring. Each of the leaders demonstrated a conscious awareness of their journey and how it is integrated in their life! Clarity! Prayer! Courage to Be and SPEAK TRUTH!"
![]() SITE MAP DIVINE TRAVELS TOURS & RETREATS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "I'm so very grateful to
God in Susan Shumsky for creating the space for all of us to come
together in the Power and Glory of God in Mt. Shasta. Every session
was great, Spirit-filled, and life transforming. We had music
books, paper, notebooks, art supplies, and everything we needed. We
did a variety of things, and we spent a lot of time in nature with
some very Divine energy. That took a lot of planning, coordinating,
and work...good job, Susan!! Mega-thanks and
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE
![]() SITE MAP DIVINE TRAVELS TOURS & RETREATS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "I'm deeply grateful to
Mother Mary for deep love and compassion for and through me and all
of us, and for speaking to us with such kind and caring words of
love and encouragement. I'm thankful to St. Germain who purified
our energy fields with the violet flame and who spoke through with
words of love."
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE
DIVINE TRAVELS TOURS & RETREATS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Susan provided us with
the guidance for daily liftings and breakthroughs again and again,
each one more powerful than the last. The days were as sunny, warm
and bright as was the beautiful room we were in, with its many
oriental rugs on the floor and colorful wall hangings and yantras.
I'm sure that I also speak for everyone when I say to Susan how
grateful we all are for your caring presence and unceasing work to
bring this much needed light to the whole planet. Thank you,
beloved Susan, for your many gifts of spirit to us, and thank you
wonderful God too for your many gifts as well."
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "My revelation was about
our breathing in and breathing it out Peace from the center of our
being with our every breath, at all times, as long as we continue
to live. Peace. Peace. Peace. P e a c e. As you do this, you will
begin to experience this profound peace within yourself. You will
cease projecting any negativity, and instead will dwell within and
radiate ONLY Love and Peace."
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE SITE MAP ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE |
Do you want to transform yourself and others through Spiritual Healing? Do you want to get successful, positive results in fulfilling your dreams, goals, and desires?
Do you seek professional training in the use of the power of your Word in effective healing and prayer? Do you want to get a license to practice a powerful method of counseling that involves prayer?
Because, by taking the Divine Revelation® Teacher Training Course, Phases 1, you will learn how to heal yourself and others through the power of your inner Being and your connection to God.
On this profound spiritual retreat you will immerse yourself in an atmosphere of deep understanding and spiritual awakening.
You will learn how to listen to the "still small voice" of God within. You will learn how to use that profound inner connection to heal yourself and to heal others. You will receive training in Spiritual Healing, Scientific Prayer, and Inner Sensitivity.
This profound retreat will not only transform your own life. It will also help you transform the lives of your family, friends, and clients--all those whom your life touches. This amazing retreat will help you discover and fulfill your true purpose and follow your true pathway. You will receive the tools that will allow you to manifest all your dreams and desires--and to help others fulfill their destiny, also.
PHASE 1 Teacher Training to become a teacher of Divine Revelation. .
-Reading and using reading materials sent via email and doing some homework.
-Reading Susan Shumsky's book MIRACLE PRAYER.
-Reading Susan Shumsky's book either DIVINE REVELATION or HOW TO HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD.Now learn how to heal your internal and external environment. Learn Scientific Prayer and Spiritual Healing. Become a spiritual healer and receive an official certificate of course completion.
Heal others through the power of prayer, affirmation, and visualization. Train to become a professional spiritual healer. Learn profound methods of prayer and healing. Heal anomalies in the energy field, such as negative thoughts and emotions, thought-forms, entities and earthbound spirits, psychic ties, façade bodies, psychic vampirism, and other negative auric energies. Learn how to pray for yourself and others. Fulfill your goals, desires, and dreams by using affirmative prayer, affirmation, and spiritual mind treatment. Scientific Prayer is powerful. It works!
Certificate of completion of the Divine Revelation Teacher Training, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Course will be awarded after you have completed the seven-day training and have proven its effectiveness in field work. In order to receive the certificate, you must attend EVERY session of this seven-day training, and also write a summary of three case studies in which you have successfully prayed for people with positive results. In addition, you must complete required reading. This certificate will be issued by The Teaching of Intuitional Metaphysics, Inc.
Here's what we will learn on our Teacher Training Course, Phase 1:
Intuitive Skills:
- Listen to the "still small voice" of divine intuition within you.
- Receive messages and answers to practical questions from Spirit at will.
- Attain genuine spiritual discernment and overcome psychic gullibility.
- Awaken your inner genius.
- Use ten tests and safeguards to receive clear, precise intuition.
- Heal resistences and ego blockages that have prevented clear divine contact and communication.
- Use inner "names" and "vibrational signals" to identify where messages are coming from.
- "Speak-through" messages from Spirit.
- Become a master at meditation and intuition.
- Become your own guru.
Prayer and Manifestation Skills:
- Discover your true purpose and life path, and learn how to fulfill it through setting practical goals.
- Use the power of prayer to heal yourself and others and to manifest your goals.
- Dispel myths about karma.
- Understand the role of your subconscious mind and distinguish beliefs from convictions.
- Discern determinism vs. free will.
- Accept personal responsibility for your path
- Uncover your "mental law" and "mental inhibitors," and overcome them through the Law of Grace.
- Learn principles of Scientific Prayer used by New Thought churches, such as Unity and Religious Science.
- Learn how to practice simple, step-by-step affirmation and prayer techniques.
- Learn techniques for visualizing positive results, including prayer, visualization, and vision boards.
- Heal blockages preventing you from fulfilling your dreams.
Healing Skills:
- Learn and practice powerful, life-transforming methods of spiritual healing and self-protection.
- Receive special, specific "Healing Signals" to help you identify what needs healing.
- Learn how to speak the Word of truth and heal in the Spirit.
- Practice seeing and feeling auras and other subtle energies.
- Learn how color and sound can lift, expand, and enhance your energy field.
- Use powerful healing affirmations to bring greater light into your aura.
- Use ancient breathing and movement methods to balance and clarify your energy field.
- Use muscle-testing and Intuitive Kinesiology to measure and heal your aura.
- Heal negative energies and blockages in your aura.
Professional Healing Skills:
- Learn and practice spiritual healing affirmations to facilitate healing in your clients and patients.
- Learn and practice being a mystical hands-on healer.
- Learn and practice being a mystical platform speaker.
- Learn and practice conducting prayers for meetings.
- Learn and practice speaking-through messages from Spirit for groups.
- Learn and practice Scientific Prayer for yourself and others.
- Learn how to heal the mind, body and emotions of your clients.
Mystical Skills:
- Trust in Spirit and know that God is always with you.
- Know that you are a child of God, cradled in divine love.
- Come home again to the comfort and protection of divine Spirit.
- Learn Yoga postures and Yoga breathing.
- Pass through the seeming veil that has separated you from God.
- See, hear, and feel the supernal light of the divine presence directly.
- Sing-through and dance-through the Spirit and enjoy divine grace flowing through you.
- Receive divine healing, love, wisdom, and inspiration.
- Be led by Spirit in your everyday life.
- Lift into the light of God's love, and enjoy the mystical contact of divine ecstasy.
- Receive God's healing words and messages and have "Conversations with God."
- Empower yourself as a a vehicle of Spirit and a true channel for God.
- Allow your breath to breathe with the breath of God, and your heart to beat with the heart of God.
- Become the mystical vessel of God that you were born to be.
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
Divine Revelation
Ascension Retreat
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1:
Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2:
Prayer Therapy Certification
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Recommendations from past participants:
Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat:
See Our Retreat Facility:
Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats:
"I must say though that this mountain is so spiritually filled and I'm radiating this divine energy within and out...Thank you Shasta for this perfect gift!"
"What a marvelous time we had! I am so grateful to Susan for creating such an experience for us. I am grateful for Jeanne Anne and Albert adding their sensitivities and talents. I am grateful to the other teachers, especially Joanne Cherry, Babaji, St. Germain and Holy Spirit."
"I am eternally grateful to Spirit and all those in attendance during the retreat on Mount Shasta. I'm finding much more now that I am back to my home environment...and realizing that I AM one with the God Consciousness!"
--Grateful Seminar Attendees
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
Divine Revelation
Ascension Retreat
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1:
Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2:
Prayer Therapy Certification
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Recommendations from past participants:
Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat:
See Our Retreat Facility:
Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats:
"I experienced many powerful breakthroughs during the week there on the mountain and they are still coming! Thank you Susan for facilitating our group and teaching us so much about Divine Revelation! It's a practice that I am One with and I'm ever so grateful for this divine clarity! Yeah, Yeah!" "I came to learn how to do prayer treatments and affirmations, and I feel that between the teaching and the book purchase, I have everything I need for this. I also came to experience more of a 'free agent' approach to Ascended Masters. I realized that we are all messengers of the I AM and can attune to any celestial being and receive messages for our higher good."
--Grateful Seminar Attendees
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
Divine Revelation
Ascension Retreat
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1:
Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2:
Prayer Therapy Certification
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Recommendations from past participants:
Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat:
See Our Retreat Facility:
Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats:
"I am grateful for the experiences: going deeper with a sense of awareness of the levels prayerfully; discernment very helpful--really helped my own inner sensitivities; Naming and speaking-through: trust of the divine within; I am still with the Ascended Master that came to me. The above have increased interior awareness of 'my' I AM - Ascended Masters, particularly Mother Mary, who lingers within and revealed an ambivalence within myself that needed healing and at the same time allows me to stay without judgment with Self and Love. The yoga opened up chakras and I felt my 'spine' more expansive. I appreciate the breath of East and West! The Prayer Treatment helped to see how I can inspire groups. I also was deeply moved by Joanna Cherry's workshop, particularly the manner in which she shared her story and also bringing me to a place with my Divine Ascended Master. Overall, I appreciated the commitment and interior conviction within the team. Susan, I appreciate the clarity and the fine tuning of the knowledge and learnings that you bring. Each of the leaders demonstrated a conscious awareness of their journey and how it is integrated in their life! Clarity! Prayer! Courage to Be and SPEAK TRUTH!"
--Grateful Seminar Attendee
"I'm so very grateful to God in Susan Shumsky for creating the space for all of us to come together in the Power and Glory of God in Mt. Shasta. Every session was great, Spirit-filled, and life transforming. We had music books, paper, notebooks, art supplies, and everything we needed. We did a variety of things, and we spent a lot of time in nature with some very Divine energy. That took a lot of planning, coordinating, and work...good job, Susan!! Mega-thanks and mega-love!!!"
"I'm thankful for the music, and dancing, and hugs in the morning. I loved the Brain Gym activities, too, and their powerful effects. Thank you, Susan."
"I'm thankful to Joanna Cherry for the precious experiences with the Ascended Masters, for the Forgiveness experience, and for the activity to re-establish immortality."
--Grateful Seminar Attendees
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
Divine Revelation
Ascension Retreat
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1:
Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2:
Prayer Therapy Certification
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Recommendations from past participants:
Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat:
See Our Retreat Facility:
Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats:
"I'm deeply grateful to Mother Mary for deep love and compassion for and through me and all of us, and for speaking to us with such kind and caring words of love and encouragement. I'm thankful to St. Germain who purified our energy fields with the violet flame and who spoke through with words of love."
"I'm thankful to Holy Spirit who spoke to and through all of us, provided us with clear signals, and reminded us of how proud of us she is. I'm thankful to Archangel Michael for helping us to cut ties of past thought forms that enables us to re-establish immortality, and for protecting us always. I'm thankful to all of the Ascended Host, Angelic Host, and Cosmic Beings of Light who help us ceaselessly, often when we aren't even aware of it."
"Thank you, God, for everyone and everything during this beautiful Mt. Shasta retreat. I AM changed forever...immersed in the Light, living in the Heart of God with my brothers and Love."
--Grateful Seminar Attendees
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
Divine Revelation
Ascension Retreat
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1:
Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2:
Prayer Therapy Certification
CLICK HERE for tentative schedule
Recommendations from past participants:
Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat:
See Our Retreat Facility:
Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats:
"Susan provided us with the guidance for daily liftings and breakthroughs again and again, each one more powerful than the last. The days were as sunny, warm and bright as was the beautiful room we were in, with its many oriental rugs on the floor and colorful wall hangings and yantras. I'm sure that I also speak for everyone when I say to Susan how grateful we all are for your caring presence and unceasing work to bring this much needed light to the whole planet. Thank you, beloved Susan, for your many gifts of spirit to us, and thank you wonderful God too for your many gifts as well." "Everyone spoke-through Spirit as if they had been doing it for years, a tribute to Susan's teaching methods."
"During a process there, I experienced the pure void, the pure peace of mindlessness. It was my most profound experience I had ever had up to this moment. In this place of peace there is no thought, no movement, no desire, no emotion, no need for any action whatsoever. For want of a better word, it is Peace. Normally when I reach these realms, I weep with tears of love and gratitude, but even this didn't happen, I experienced a clear and totally empty, peaceful mind."
--Grateful Seminar Attendees
TENTATIVE DAILY SCHEDULEMonday, July 26, 201012:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat).
1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. FREE TIME
4:00 pm to 6:00 p.m. Workshop: "SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT"
Do you sometimes get confused when you try to receive intuition? How do you know whether the message is the real thing? Now many people are opening to the inner world-contacting guides, angels, and other beings. But opening up indiscriminately is like inviting strangers into your home. In this entertaining, revealing narrated PowerPoint presentation and workshop, you now learn how to distinguish between the true divine voice and whatever else is in your mind.
Discover 4 levels you might inadvertently tap into while deluding yourself into thinking that you are receiving genuine divine intuition. Learn to test your intuition with 10 tests to prevent psychic deception and other safeguards and precise methods for practicing "safe spirituality."
On this workshop you will:
- Attain spiritual discernment
- Overcome psychic deception
- Avoid the pitfalls of spiritual gullibility
- Develop spiritual self-protection
- Become your own guru.
6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Dinner (not included in price of retreat)
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. "SENSING AURAS AND SUBTLE ENERGIES": Do you want to learn how to sense and see auras? Do you want to heal and lift the vibrations of your energy field? Do you want to increase your charisma and become more influential? Because in this amazing, life-transforming workshop, Dr. Susan will facilitate a powerful spiritual awakening as you expand and heal your auric field.
On this workshop and PowerPoint presentation, you will now:
- Practice seeing and feeling auras and other subtle energies.
- Measure, expand, and enhance your auric field.
- Heal yourself and others through the human energy field.
- Learn how color and sound can lift and expand your energy field.
- Use powerful healing affirmations to bring greater light into your aura.
- Use ancient breathing and movement methods to balance and clarify your energy field.
- Use muscle-testing and Intuitive Kinesiology methods to measure and heal your aura.
- Heal negative energies and blockages in your aura.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
6:30 to 9:00 a.m. Free hot breakfast available for those staying in the Best Western hotel.
7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Yoga Master - Dr. Susan Shumsky. Embrace the day with divine energy, light, and love - bring your yoga mats or blankets.
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Workshop: "SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE":
Allow Spirit to touch your heart in a profound way. In this amazing guided meditative experience and group spiritual counseling practice, you will be led into a deep state of higher consciousness. Then Dr. Susan will ask the Holy Spirit to give divine messages to the group. You will have the opportunity to ask personal questions, to receive divine wisdom and direction, to receive healing and prayer therapy, to heal charged emotions, relationships, and phobias, to receive past life regression, to communicate with departed loved ones, or to experience a breakthrough to Spirit. Messages from the Holy Spirit will lift your spirit and heal you on a very profound level. This session is conducted by the Holy Spirit.
In this meditative session, you will:
- Listen to the "still small voice" within.
- Receive divine healing, love, wisdom, and inspiration.
- Receive specific answers to personal questions.
- Be led by Spirit in your everyday life.
- Be lifted into the light of God's love.
- Directly experience divine grace and divine light.
- Have "Conversations with God."
10:15 a.m. to 12:00 noon Workshop: "ECSTATIC EXPRESSIONS OF GOD"
Awaken your innate talents and learn to allow Spirit to express through you. Develop your intuitive abilities and become a channel for God. Practice Divine Revelation Ecstatic Expressions:
"Speaking-through," speak inner divine messages in a group
- "Singing-through," allow your inner divine Spirit to burst into song
- "Dancing-through," allow your higher self to dance through you, which revitalizes your body and brings feelings of ecstasy and energy
- "Writing-through," allow divine Spirit to write inspired works through you
- "Drawing and painting-through," allow divine Spirit to create inspired works of art through you
- "Playing music-through," improvise divinely revealed musical pieces
- "Public-speaking-through," receive divine messages in front of a group with eyes open
- "Healing through," allow Spirit to do hands-on healing through you
- "Life communication," Communicate with plants, animals, and other life forms.
12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat).
1:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Workshop: "OVERCOMING KARMIC LAW THROUGH GRACE": Do you think that you are rewarded or punished for your "good" and "bad" deeds by virtue of the law of karma? Think again! Do you really know what the word "karma" means? Do you understand how karma works?
Because in this amazing, inspiring workshop and PowerPoint presentation, Dr. Susan G. Shumsky, who practiced spiritual disciplines for nearly 40 years and lived in an ashram under the tutelage of an East Indian spiritual master for 22 of those years, will dispel myths about karma and provide clear understanding about how nature actually functions. Surprisingly, karmic law is neither "punishment" nor payback. Find out what Jesus had to say about the mental law that we call the law of karma.
During this narrated slide show and workshop you will:
- Discover your true destiny and purpose.
- Dispel myths about karma.
- Understand the role of your subconscious.
- Distinguish between beliefs and convictions.
- Discern determinism vs. free will.
- Accept personal responsibility for your path.
- Understand the role of prayer.
- Uncover your own personal "mental law."
- Use specific healing prayers to master the karmic law.
- Discover the law of grace.
4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Workshop: "RECEIVING DIVINE MESSAGES":
Dr. Susan Shumsky will guide the group into a deep, profound meditation for the purpose of contacting Divine Spirit directly and listening to the "still small voice" of God within. Participants will practice receiving divine messages and expressing ecstatic expressions of God.
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Dinner (not included in price of retreat)
Bring your dreams into reality! You are the master of your destiny. There is great power and energy in thought and speech. Learn to harness it. Manifest and create your vision through the power of your spoken word in prayer. Proven scientific New-Thought prayer methods can help you fulfill positive goals.
With this profound technique you will heal blockages that prevent you from fulfilling desires. Now you can pray for yourself and others through the powerful practice of Spiritual Mind Treatment. You will have an opportunity to compose your own prayer during the workshop. On this workshop you will:
- Learn the principles of Scientific Prayer practiced by New Thought churches.
- Learn how to practice simple, step-by-step prayer techniques.
- Learn how to set practical goals.
- Learn techniques for visualizing positive results.
- Learn how to heal blockages preventing you from fulfilling your dreams.
- Get in touch with your true desires.
- Take full responsibility for your life.
- Become captain of your ship and create your own destiny.
- Use the power of speech to transform your life.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
6:30 to 9:00 a.m. Free hot breakfast available for those staying in the Best Western hotel.
7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Yoga Master - Dr. Susan Shumsky. Embrace the day with divine energy, light, and love - bring your yoga mats or blankets.
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m: Workshop: "BREAKTHROUGH TO HEALING":
Guided meditation and deep experiences of your higher self. Experience the divine Spirit within you. Receive messages and clearly and precisely speak-through from the Holy Spirit and aspects of your higher self. Receive special, specific "Healing Signals" that will help you identify what specific healings are needed in any given situation.
On this workshop, you will now:
- Experience the true nature of your being.
- Speak-through messages from Holy Spirit and other aspects of your higher self.
- Identify definite body signals that relate to specific problems in your energy field.
- Identify particular signals to show you what healings are needed in particular situations.
- Breakthrough barriers preventing your complete communion with God.
12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat).
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Workshop: "CLEANSING THE HUMAN ENERGY FIELD": In this fun, lively, entertaining workshop, you will practice various methods for developing your spiritual sight and sensing in order to perceive and interpret thought-forms and anomalies in the energy field--and to heal what needs healing. You will practice specific exercises to open up your ability to perceive subtle energies through sight and feeling. Then you will work with various partners to develop your aura reading ability, counseling ability, and healing ability. You will also practice using your "Healing Signals," which you received in the morning, in order to decipher which healings are needed.
3:45 to 5:00 p.m. Workshop: "SCIENTIFIC PRAYER CIRCLE"
Dr. Susan Shumsky will introduce the concept and format of the Prayer Circle. She will guide the group into a deep, profound meditation for the purpose of contacting the Divine Spirit directly and listening to the "still small voice" of God within. Then she will lead a Scientific Prayer Circle.
5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Dinner available at the hotel (not included in price of retreat).
7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Workshop: "SCIENTIFIC PRAYER, Part 2":
During this hands-on intensive training, you will continue to learn how to use a practical, 9-step Scientific Prayer method for practicing Spiritual Mind Treatment to achieve your goals: 1) Request: goal. 2) Recognition: glorification. 3) Rapport: unification. 4) Resolution: claim. 5) Renewal: healing. 6) Realization: conviction. 7) Reward: gratitude. 8) Release: letting go. 9) Repose: silence.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
6:30 to 9:00 a.m. Free hot breakfast available for those staying in the Best Western hotel.
7:00 to 8:00 a.m. Yoga asanas and Yoga breathing at hotel in our meeting room.
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Workshop: "HEALING POWER OF YOUR WORD":
Deep guided meditation. Become a master at receiving messages from Spirit. Use your divine inner contact to speak-through from Spirit and to practice hands-on healing. On this workshop, you will now:
- Learn and practice being a mystical hands-on healer.
- Speak-through your spiritual messages from Spirit for the group.
- Be called upon to receive messages for other people.
- Use your inner contact with the "still small voice" within to counsel and heal others.
- Commune with God in a profound, powerful, mystical way.
- Allow yourself to become a vehicle of Spirit.
- Empower yourself as a true channel for God.
12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat).
1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Workshop: "SCIENTIFIC PRAYER, Part 3":
During this hands-on intensive training, you will continue to learn how to use a practical, 9-step Scientific Prayer method for practicing Spiritual Mind Treatment to achieve your goals: 1) Request: goal. 2) Recognition: glorification. 3) Rapport: unification. 4) Resolution: claim. 5) Renewal: healing. 6) Realization: conviction. 7) Reward: gratitude. 8) Release: letting go. 9) Repose: silence.
With this technique you will heal blockages that prevent you from fulfilling desires. Now you will learn to pray for yourself and others through the powerful practice of Spiritual Mind Treatment.
Write your own prayers and share with the group. Enjoy the support and love of other course participants when you read your prayers aloud.
4:45 to 6:00 p.m. Workshop: "SCIENTIFIC PRAYER CIRCLE"
Dr. Susan Shumsky will guide the group into a deep, profound meditation for the purpose of contacting the Divine Spirit directly and listening to the "still small voice" of God within. Then there will be a Scientific Prayer Circle, in which you will get practical training for conducting weekly prayer circles in your local area. You will practice a prayer circle in a group, and you will learn how to lead the circle yourself. You will also learn how to start every class or circle with a brief opening meditation with a particular theme that is received from the "still small voice" of God within.
6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Dinner available at the hotel (not included in price of retreat).
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Workshop: "FAREWELL MEDITATION"
Experience a very special, profound farewell guided meditation. Speak-through powerful messages from Spirit and experience the divine nature of your inner being. God is in charge of this session, and will guide us into profound, mystical experiences of our true nature of Being.
During this meditation, you will now:
- Experience the mystical contact of divine ecstasy.
- Receive God's healing words and messages.
- Allow yourself to be a temple of God.
- Allow your breath to breathe with the breath of God.
- Allow your heart to beat with the heart of God.
- Become the mystical vessel of God that you were born to be.
Friday, July 30, 2010
6:30 to 9:00 a.m. Free hot breakfast available for those staying in the Best Western hotel.
11:00 a.m. Hotel check-out time for guests at Best Western Hotel.
Travel home, or stay for Teacher Training, Phase 2, beginning tonight.
Prayer Therapy
Training and Licensing
July 30 to August 6, 2010PHASE 2 Teacher Training to become a teacher of Divine Revelation.
Prerequisites: Phase 1 Teacher Training or Inner Sensitivity Training.
Now become a master at healing your internal and external environment. Learn to become a Prayer Therapist and a professional counselor. Become a spiritual healer and receive a license to practice Prayer Therapy
Counsel and heal others through the power of your deep inner connection to Spirit. With this inner contact, allow God to heal through you as you use powerful prayer, affirmation, and visualization methods. Train to become a professional spiritual healer and counselor. Learn profound methods of prayer and healing. Some topics will be health, addiction, co-dependency, marriage, sex, business, prosperity, guidance of youth. Prayer Therapy is powerful. It works!
A professional Prayer Therapy License and a Certificate of Completion of the Divine Revelation Teacher Training, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Course will be awarded after you have completed all of the seven-day training and have proven its effectiveness in field work. In order to receive your Prayer Therapy License, you must attend EVERY session of this seven-day training. You must also complete some field word, including required reading. Also you must write a thesis and get three detailed positive testimonials written by people whom you have successfully counseled with Prayer Therapy. After completing all requirements, you will receive a license issued by The Teaching of Intuitional Metaphysics, Inc.
Here's what we will learn on our Teacher Training Course, Phase 2:
This course is designed to prepare students for professional practice as Prayer Therapists. Also, to give students not interested in preparing for professional work advanced methods for spiritual mind healing and opportunity for further development of self awareness and sensitivity. At the successful completion of this course, along with field work and a thesis, the "Degree of Prayer Therapist" is awarded. Upon completion of additional field work and testimonials, the "Prayer Therapist License" is awarded.
Part 1: Prayer Therapy for Yourself
- Goals for the Course
Practical Use of Prayer in Personal Life
History of Scientific Prayer
Principles of Spiritual Mind Healing
Review of 9 Steps of Scientific Prayer
- Sustaining the Health Consciousness
Health Treatment
Spiritual Law of Polarity
Healing Mental Inhibitors
- Principles of Successful Living
Objectivity and Subjectivity
Financial Health and Prosperity
Controlling Subjective Life: Religious Experience
- Deep Meditation Control
- Freedom from Addiction, Alcoholism and Drugs
Healing Chronic Conditions and Cases
- The Personal Factor - Self-Authority
Review of Healing Signals
Advanced Spiritual Healing and Astral Healing
- Understanding and Applying the Spiritual Laws
The Law of Mind in Action
The Law of Attraction
Creative Imagination and Visualization
- Receiving Treatments through Inner Revelation
- The Dedicated Life of Prayer
Prayer Therapist as Leader and TeacherPart 2: Prayer Therapy for Others
- Outline of Study, Requirements, and Assignments
Principles of Healing
History of Healing Practice
Bible Reference
- Harmony in Family Relationships
Harmony in the Home
Incarnation of Spirit
Guidance of Youth
- Indirect, Spirit-Directed Counseling
Healing Human Relationship Problems
Spiritual Marriage and Sex
Dissolving Physical Frustration.
Normalcy and Non-Judgment
Practice with Partners
- Spiritualizing Business and Workplace
Harmony in the Workplace
Healing Offices and Work Environments
Vital Energy and Physical Perfection
Practice with PartnersLearn how to heal buildings, houses, and the workplace.
- How Permanent is Spiritual Mind Healing?
Healing in the Christ Consciousness
Practice with Partners
- Conducting Prayer Circles
- Professional Practice as a Prayer Therapist
Prayer Therapy Ethics and Fees
Dedication of Prayer Therapist
Consecration of the Ministry of Prayer
IMPORTANT NOTE: Space on the Teacher Training Course is VERY LIMITED!
Click here to register now on a secure server.
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "I experienced many powerful
breakthroughs during the week there on the mountain and they are
still coming! Thank you Susan for facilitating our group and
teaching us so much about Divine Revelation! It's a practice that I
am One with and I'm ever so grateful for this divine clarity! Yeah,
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE SITE
MAP ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "I am grateful for the experiences: going deeper with a sense of awareness of the levels prayerfully; discernment very helpful--really helped my own inner sensitivities; Naming and speaking-through: trust of the divine within; I am still with the Ascended Master that came to me. The above have increased interior awareness of 'my' I AM - Ascended Masters, particularly Mother Mary, who lingers within and revealed an ambivalence within myself that needed healing and at the same time allows me to stay without judgment with Self and Love. The yoga opened up chakras and I felt my 'spine' more expansive. I appreciate the breath of East and West! The Prayer Treatment helped to see how I can inspire groups. I also was deeply moved by Joanna Cherry's workshop, particularly the manner in which she shared her story and also bringing me to a place with my Divine Ascended Master. Overall, I appreciated the commitment and interior conviction within the team. Susan, I appreciate the clarity and the fine tuning of the knowledge and learnings that you bring. Each of the leaders demonstrated a conscious awareness of their journey and how it is integrated in their life! Clarity! Prayer! Courage to Be and SPEAK TRUTH!" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "I'm so very grateful to God in
Susan Shumsky for creating the space for all of us to come together
in the Power and Glory of God in Mt. Shasta. Every session was
great, Spirit-filled, and life transforming. We had music books,
paper, notebooks, art supplies, and everything we needed. We did a
variety of things, and we spent a lot of time in nature with some
very Divine energy. That took a lot of planning, coordinating, and
work...good job, Susan!! Mega-thanks and mega-love!!!"
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "I'm deeply grateful to Mother Mary
for deep love and compassion for and through me and all of us, and
for speaking to us with such kind and caring words of love and
encouragement. I'm thankful to St. Germain who purified our energy
fields with the violet flame and who spoke through with words of
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE SITE MAP
DIVINE TRAVELS TOURS & RETREATS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Susan provided us with the guidance
for daily liftings and breakthroughs again and again, each one more
powerful than the last. The days were as sunny, warm and bright as
was the beautiful room we were in, with its many oriental rugs on
the floor and colorful wall hangings and yantras. I'm sure that I
also speak for everyone when I say to Susan how grateful we all are
for your caring presence and unceasing work to bring this much
needed light to the whole planet. Thank you, beloved Susan, for
your many gifts of spirit to us, and thank you wonderful God too
for your many gifts as well."
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "My revelation was about our
breathing in and breathing it out Peace from the center of our
being with our every breath, at all times, as long as we continue
to live. Peace. Peace. Peace. P e a c e. As you do this, you will
begin to experience this profound peace within yourself. You will
cease projecting any negativity, and instead will dwell within and
radiate ONLY Love and Peace."
Introduction to 2010 Mount Shasta Retreats:
CLICK HERE Divine Revelation Ascension Retreat CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 1: Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Divine Revelation Teacher Training Course, Phase 2: Prayer Therapy Certification CLICK HERE for tentative schedule Recommendations from past participants: CLICK HERE Travel Information for Mount Shasta Retreat: CLICK HERE See Our Retreat Facility: CLICK HERE Fees for All Mount Shasta Retreats: CLICK HERE |
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IMPORTANT NOTE: Space on the Mount Shasta Retreat is limited!
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW on our secure server.
Here is how students have described our Retreats:
"It's very difficult for me to put in words the wonderful experiences I had at Mount Shasta. What I learnt here was way beyond what I expected. I have been studying Vedanta for over 30 years. I have attended innumerable spiritual retreats over the years, but what I have learnt with Dr. Susan Shumsky is much more.
For me, all the saints appeared so unapproachable and spiritually inaccessible that I never even thought that I could ever have any personal contact with them. Through teaching me the process of "breakthrough," Susan made that impossibility into a divine possibility. Now I know how to get nearer to my goal of self-realization than I ever thought possible.
Susan's incredible energy, devotion, and clarity of her dissemination of the subject matter was a joy to behold. Each and every day was intense, joyful and unforgettable. There were breakthough sessions, meditations, and excursions to Mount Shasta and surrounding areas. It was indeed a divine and unforgettable experience in a divinely inspiring location. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Susan and her course leaders for this wonderful event."
--Baldev Gambhir, Ontario, Canada.
"Fantastic x100. I loved it so much, Susan. It was such a pleasure to experience your seminar with such wonderful souls and in such a magnificent setting. I experienced my true self. Maybe I have a little way to go to truly rejoice in who I am, but I am certainly so much closer than I could ever have imagined. I experienced such love here that this has been a new beginning. I came here to find tools and keys to allow me to advance in my soul's mission. I achieved and experienced so much more.
I look forward to returning to Ireland and putting my new skills and myself to work. It's not even to work but to live, to love. I found my voice. It's a little, gentle voice but a very beautiful voice. I found my dancing shoes. I found the most amazing guides, Ascended Masters, friends, teachers, and my road is well lit now. I can see where I'm going. I experienced love every second of every day.
The course leaders were knowledgeable in the ways of world--magnificent beings who are great leaders and light workers. This course and its teachers are perfect examples of living and loving their soul's mission, what we are all striving for. Susan, I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
--Marie O'Dwyer, Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland.
"I really can't begin to describe my experience. My meditations were deeper than ever before. My understanding of the spiritual world expanded. I had been getting signals, but never recognized them before. I didn't know what they were.
The course was all it was billed to be. The leaders lived what they taught. The music and Brain Gym were great touches to keep out mind open and refreshed. The sweat Lodge was an excellent addition. Sweat Lodge +++. Accommodations very good."
--Dr. Charles Wright, M.D., Florida.
"This seminar has enhanced and opened my soul. It was very uplifting to feel the energy of so many loving souls together. This seminar has confirmed my knowing that I can reach my Christ-self whenever I want. Just being aware and knowing has increased my consciousness.
The course fulfilled all of my expectations. All of the teachers were magnificent and supplied for me a direction and answer that my soul is needing at this time. For what I am looking for, this seminar supplied all I need. As I continue to seek, I am grateful to have access to this ongoing information."
--Diane Wright, DDS, Florida.
"Joanna Cherry in her book Self Initiations defines spiritual initiation as a change of mind and heart, a significant step in spiritual expansion; an expansion of consciousness from inner experience. That said I can write without any doubt, that this seminar was filled with initiations for me. This seminar was a fascinator of giant leaps in my spiritual growth.
There were many highlights for me:
-Joanna Cherry and Richard Rowe sharing their stories.
-Susan speaking though Jesus' message to me.
-Light appearing in my room one night.
-Levitation.The major outcome for me during this retreat was a clear call to me from Divine Guidance that it is time for me to acknowledge that THE reason I am here on earth this time around is to LIVE my oneness with God. Somehow all the experiences mentioned above and newly gained knowledge about Ascended Masters have been very empowering and key for me to come to a new level of personal acceptance. I feel that the seminar was instrumental in helping me realize that all the help that I will ever need to transition from doing the 'human thing' to the 'ascended thing' is available through those I attract in my outer world, as well as the Masters of the inner world."
--Anita Carfagno, Ohio.
"This seminar experience is priceless.
"And for the Teton Retreat, There's Mastercharge."
--Rev. Rian Leichter, Northern California.
"I received tools for Practical Application of Self Expression in everyday life--and continuing evidence of dynamic results.
Instant gratification--on the level of 'Knowing.'
Huge validation, confirmation, and inspiration."
--PJ Worley, Northern California.
"Many of the sessions were so intense and productive of deep spiritual states and learning. The session with Joanna Cherry the second night was the peak experience of my life so far. I experienced my higher self floating in the air above my head and then I became my higher self. Later when we visited the I AM bookstore, I saw the same image on the cover of one of the pamphlets there. I had some wonderful morning meditations in my room, and Susan let me lead a guided meditation based on one of them that focused on merging with the etheric body of light. I observed the participants changing during the week, starting out with tense, troubled faces, which relaxed during the week and changed into soft, peaceful, beautiful faces.
Susan was her usual gracious and wise leader (this was my third seminar with her). She has an intuitive grasp of how to guide the group into profound experiences. And the location at Mount Shasta is very much part of what happens there because of the self-evident power that permeates the area. I was overwhelmed by the intense realization of my oneness with all humanity, deeper and more real and more moving than ever before. SO MUCH LOVE! I've been experiencing new depths in my meditations. I'm sure it's because of the power of Mount Shasta."
--Albert Marsh, Southern California.
"Great learning experience! Most important was building my confidence in establishing signals and inner contacts. This was done through multiple/ daily meditation sessions. I believe this was very helpful to me. I like the variety of teachers. There was a lot of information, but I liked it! I could pick and choose what I wanted/ needed and the others could do the same. Also, in a personal session with Rian, he helped me find solutions to my issues rather than "fixed" them for me. This helped build confidence in my ability to resolve my own problems--that I really have what i need to find my own answers--not to depend upon others. This was very important for me. They gave me the tools and took this opportunity to have me use the tools so I could gain experience and confidence in myself. All the teachers were effective at conveying the information. Richard was fantastic! So was Joanna Cherry. They came in and presented their information effectively. Very profound."
--Marilyn Wagner, Washington.
"I was very impressed with the organization and execution of the seminars. I was completely supported with my spiritual needs. I loved the people I met and have been inspired to continue my path.
It was interesting that in my casual conversation when i found myself speaking the "old" way, people would correct each other and reinforce our "new" way of looking and speaking our Divine intentions."
--Christine Hay, Northern California.
"Meeting all of the teachers and people. The special energy of the mountain and the incredible beauty. The energy in the meditation. All of these things made this a unique and beautiful seminar."
--Clair Bryner, Nevada.
"I experienced very deep contact with my Higher Self, I AM Presence, God, Ascended Masters, Angels, and Holy Spirit. I felt a strong connection with the Mountains and with Mother Earth. I had experiences of peace and knowingness that were deeper and stronger than ever before and I now have a sense of clarity that has greatly enhanced and improved my VISION. This has been, by far, the most joyful and enlightening spiritual group of people I have encountered, and I feel each one has something special to contribute.
Susan, your teaching abilities and techniques are totally stimulating--and your wealth of experience and knowledge made each session interesting and thought- provoking. many thanks for your time and diligence in putting this wonderful, joyful, loving event together!"
--Dorina Erkeneff, Northern California.
"Thank you, T.I.M. (Teaching of Intuitional Metaphysics) Leaders for a beauteous, uplifting, informative and enriching seminar. My experience included receiving a new contact signal, deepening my meditation experience, and receiving a tremendous feeding of Christ love and light. I came to be renewed and regenerated, and I received so much more. Kudos Everyone!"
--Angela Congdon, Northern California.
"It was a profound experience for me. I wasn't sure what to expect as my husband asked me to accompany him and I wasn't sure what the program was about. I learned some very valuable techniques that will guide me throughout life. Once I become proficient in the prayer technique, I will share it with others. Thank you so much. I am grateful."
--Bernadette Jagiello, Southern California.
"Deep experience during contacting "The Light Fantastic." Loves Susan's presentations; so clear, concise, packed with truths to integrate, and tools to use on the journey. Dr. Joanna Cherry's workshop was the tip of the mountain for me. It was a profound experience of love-unconditional. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would evaluate the course thus: content/ presentation / learning: 10.
Course leaders--so knowledgeable and best of all, what was presented was already experienced by presenters, i.e., Susan's teaching more than knowledge--rather pure wisdom! Great! Thanks!"
--Linda Devlin, Ontario, Canada.
"The Light of this seminar was really fantastic! I feel so much more confident and connected, enlightened with my higher I AM Self. All of the experiences were amazing, including the atmosphere, nature, energy, connection, wholeness, and oneness. I've learned how to really trust and express my Divine Presence, which gave me a feeling of freedom, peace, harmony, love, and light. It is really a thrilling experience and going to continue. The path of light is a path of Joy, Happiness, and Divine Revelations.
So much more knowledge was revealed and the most beautiful thing is that I can share it with others. On a scale from 1 to 10, it would be 10+. All of the teachers were very knowledgeable, kind, and open--spirits of Light."
--Oksana Little, Texas.
CLICK HERE to discover what students have experienced
on other seminars with Dr. Susan Shumsky
CLICK HERE to discover what students say about Dr. Susan G. Shumsky
IMPORTANT NOTE: Space is limited!
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW on our secure server.
Where is Mount Shasta?
Mount Shasta is in Northern California near the Oregon border.
NOTE: There is no bus or train service that goes to Mount Shasta.
Here are some ways to get there:Traveling by Air
Following is a list of some airports and airlines servicing the Mt. Shasta area with their phone numbers.
Medford Airport (Oregon): (503) 772-8068
Redding Municipal Airport (California): (530) 224-4320AIRLINES
Southwest Airlines: (800) 435-9792
Alaskan Airlines (Horizon Air): (800) 426-0333
United Airlines: (800) 241-6522From Portland, Oregon, transfer to Horizon Air and fly into Medford Airport in Medford, Oregon. From Portland, Oregon you can also fly into Redding, California on Horizon Air. Rent a car in Medford and drive on I-5 South to Mt. Shasta, California which is approximately a 2 hour drive. The drive from Redding, California to Mt. Shasta is abut 90 minutes. There are approximately 9 to 10 flights daily from Portland Airport to Medford Airport and 4 flights daily from Portland to Redding Airport. Medford, Oregon is North of Mt. Shasta and Redding.
From Los Angeles, take Southwest Airlines or another carrier to Sacramento. Rent a car at Sacramento Airport and drive on I-5 North which will take approximately 5 hours to Mt. Shasta.
From San Francisco, take United Airlines to Redding Airport. Or rent a car and drive from San Francisco to Mt. Shasta on I-5 North, which takes about 6 hours.
Ground Transportation Provided by Greyhound Bus Lines. Go to for more information. Greyhound Station in Redding: (530) 241-2531 or (800) 231-2222
There is an Amtrak station in Dunsmuir which is just about 10 miles south of Mt Shasta. Their toll free number is 800-872-7245. Please visit for more information.
Car Rentals
In Mt Shasta there is no local taxi or bus service. Here is the contact information for two car rental pIaces each for Redding and Medford which are about 2 hours south and north respectively of Mt Shasta.
AVIS - 6751 Woodrum Circle # 130 Redding, CA 96002 €” (530) 221-2855
HERTZ - Municipal Airport Redding, CA 96001 €” (530) 221-4620CAR RENTALS IN MEDFORD:
AVIS - Rogue Valley Intl Medford, OR: (541) 773-3003
HERTZ - Medford Rouge Valley Medford, OR 97501: (541) 773-4293Taxi
Redding Yellow Taxi Service Phone: (530) 222-1257 or (530) 222-1234
The Yellow Cab Taxi Service is $180 from Redding Airport to Weed.
Redding ABC Cab Co: (530) 246-0577
Medford Metro Taxi: (541) 773-6665
Medford Valley Cab: (541) 772-1818
Important Packing Information: What to Bring?
- Musical instruments.
- Swim suit for swimming and spa at Best Western hotel: year around.
- Women: Light weight long skirt and tee shirt for sweat lodge.
- Men: swimming trunks for sweat lodge.
- Warm jacket for cold weather: year around.
- Gloves and scarf for cold weather: September to July.
- Snow boots for snowy weather: October to July.
- Hiking shoes or athletic shoes and socks: July to October.
- Sweat shirts or sweaters: year around.
- Hat for hiking on Mount Shasta.
- Long pants and shorts: July to September.
- Cushion or blanket if you do not want to sit on ground: July to September.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Space is limited!
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW on our secure server.
Visit to shops in Mount Shasta (On Your Own):
- Crystal Wings, 226 N. Mount Shasta Blvd., Mount Shasta, CA 96067, 530-926-3041
- Golden Bough Books, 219 N. Mount Shasta Blvd., Mount Shasta, CA 96067, 530-926-3228
- Mount Shasta Middle Earth The Crystal Room, 107 Castle Street, Mount Shasta, CA 96067, 530-918-9108
- Soul Connections, 329 N. Mount Shasta Blvd., Mount Shasta, CA 96067, 530-918-9533
- Kevin Lahey Gallery, 304 N. Mount Shasta Blvd., Mount Shasta, CA 96067, 530-926-3906
OPTIONAL VISIT to Upper Panther Meadows (On Your Own)
(15-minute rocky walk from road)
Not more than 10 people are allowed to congregate on this meadow at one time.Panther Meadows is one of the most beautiful locations on Mount Shasta, with the purest spring you will ever find, and the most pristine energy in which to meditate, sleep, camp, etc. This area and its campground are reached from Everitt Memorial Highway, near the 2nd to the top parking lot.
OPTIONAL VISIT to Grey Butte (On Your Own)
Grey Butte Summit (medium high impact)
(45-minute hike gradual ascent):Drive up to Lower Panther Meadow parking lot on Mount Shasta. Your hike begins at the Panther Meadows campground, near the 7,400 feet elevation, where you will walk through a plethora of colourful wildflowers and small streamlets. As you enter the forest canopy you rise in elevation to Grey Butte's summit at 8,108 feet. Keep your inner eyes peeled for Native American spirits and vortices along the way. Trek for about one hour to the top of Grey Butte for a spectacular, exquisite 360 degree view of the entire Mount Shasta area, including the town of McCloud, Lake Siskiyou, Mount Shasta (14162 feet), Red Butte, Upper and Lower Panther Meadows, the Cascade Mountains to the east, and the Scott Mountains to the West. Experience the amazing spiritual vortex at the pinnacle of Grey Butte.
OPTIONAL VISIT to Castle Lake (On Your Own)
Castle Lake is an incredible wonder, surrounded by mountains with rocky cliffs on the south face. To reach Castle Lake, cross over Highway 5 toward the west side of Mount Shasta. Make the first left turn and go straight. Turn onto Castle Lake Road just past the dam at Lake Siskiyou, south of Mt. Shasta City, and follow to the parking lot next to the lake.
Castle Lake is a natural granite-bottomed lake with granite cliffs to the south. Heart Lake is a beautiful, small heart-shaped lake surrounded in a high alpine setting with wildflowers and magnificent views of Mount Shasta, Black Butte and the Shasta Valley. On clear days you can see Mt. McLoughlin in Oregon.
Visit the pristine beauty and pure sparkling waters of Castle Lake, one of the true Alpine lakes of the area and a very powerful spiritual vortex. Local legend has it that in the 1960s, saucer landings were common on the top of its western cliffs. For many years afterwards people could see the burned out spot and hole where one of the saucers landed.
Castle Lake was formed during the Pleistocene Era over 10,000 years ago when much of North America was covered with glaciers. A glacier carved out the basin in which Castle Lake lies today. Castle Lake is a typical glacier 'cirque' lake. Cirque is a French word meaning semicircle or amphitheater. Cirque lakes are the deepest against the steep rock wall--also known as the cirque face-- where the glacier did most of the eroding. The northeastern shore of the lake is a terminal moraine of boulders and gravel that form a natural dam. Against the cirque face of Castle Lake, the waters are up to 110 feet deep (35 M). At the other end of the lake is the outlet where the lake's depth ranges from 10 to 15 feet (3 to 5 M).
Local legend states that in the 1960's saucer landings were common on top of its western cliffs. For many years afterwards people were able to see the burned out spot and hole where one of the many saucers had landed. The granite wall that forms the back of the lake is connected to the energy of Castle Crags. At one time the lake was a camp for local Native Indians. During a great battle on the cliff overlooking the lake, many Native Americans were driven off the cliff and plunged to their death. To this day, many people hear the laughter of the children and see the tribes' lodges in ethereal visions around the lake. Castle Lake is a power point or holds a "spirit of place" for transmuting world aggression through prayer and meditation while gazing into the Castle Lake area.
Heart Lake (medium impact, uphill climb)
(45-minute hike):Hikers can follow the trail along the east side of the lake to heart-shaped Heart Lake nestled in the cliffs high above. This hike is well worth the effort, with beautiful views of Mount Shasta and of Castle Lake below.
OPTIONAL VISIT to McCloud Falls (On Your Own)
McCloud Falls is a collection of 3 falls (Lower, Middle & Upper), each of which is different and special it a unique way. The entire McCloud Falls area is sacred and holy ground to Native Americans who made their homes on the creek shores. The falls are known for their magical ability to clear any emotional disturbance, thus leaving you renewed and refreshed.
Both Upper and Lower Falls are easily accessible by car, while the hike to Middle Falls is beautiful. This trail begins at Fowler's Campground and the distances are marked at the trailhead. Each of the three falls has its own personality. At Upper Falls, the quiet river gathers itself into a massive stone chute, charging the waters with enormous energy before they spill into a pool far below. Middle Falls, the most inaccessible, spreads a sheet of falling water over a lava cliff. Lower Falls is a wonderful spot to rest, picnic and play. Watch for the tiny Dipper bird which flies low and plunges in and out of the cascading water.
Lower McCloud Falls is the smallest of the McCloud Falls, a 12-foot plunge into a giant pool. The falls are wide and regal-looking where plenty of boulders downstream make good perches for feeling the negative charged ion energies. Elephant ears grow in and around the falls, and water ouzels somehow manage to build their homes behind the fall's tremendous flow of water. Lower Falls was a sacred site to many Native Indians who knew the importance of the tiny Dipper bird which flies low and plunges in and out of the cascading water. The creek behind the falls has a mystical energy for expanding creativity.
Middle McCloud Falls drops 50 feet over a cliff and then forms a deep pool at its base. It is at least twice as wide as it is tall, adding breadth to its grandeur. The resulting flow is lavish, especially in springtime. A series of long switchbacks take you gently up the grade to the top of Middle Falls, where there is a vortex energy field near a rock outcrop on the fall's brink and the creek above it. There are tranquil winding paths along the creek. These falls spread a sheet of falling water over a lava cliff that is one of the most spectacular wide river falls in Northern California. It lures photographers from all over the world with its powerful and commanding presence but yet has a wondrous beauty with an almost delicate nature. It's as if the fall is constantly making a statement, something like, "There may be other falls on this river, but I am the king." A rock shelf at the top of these falls allows for standing and amplifies one's energy field. This sacred site is known to amplify creativity and boost energy.
Upper McCloud Falls is the most inaccessible of all the 3 McCloud Waterfalls as it rushes down a tall canyon of solid rock. The upward trail eventually flattens out where Upper McCloud Falls clings to the edge of the canyon wall. This waterfall is more secretive than the two downriver as rarely do you get a look at its entire length. At a few scattered points along the trail, you can see five tiers of Upper Falls, but only in fleeting glimpses. When you reach an exposed outcrop of basalt boulders across from the fall, you can see the multi-tiers as they plunge into a rocky bowl with surreal looking circular pools colored in a remarkable shade of aquamarine. At Upper Falls, the quiet river gathers itself into a massive stone chute, charging the waters within an enormous vortex energy field before they spill into the mystical and exotic-looking circular turquoise pool far below. The native Indians knew this sacred place as a vision quest and shamanic journey site. Awesome and powerful, the mysteries of this sacred site waits the journeyer's presence.
OPTIONAL VISIT to Medicine Wheel and Sweat Lodge at Lower Panther Creek (On Your Own)
(20-minute very steep hike)
Drive up wagon camp road in a high clearance vehicle, then hike up the creek and visit a secret sweat lodge and medicine wheel used in Native American ceremonies in their annual gathering. Hike up a steep trail following a stream below Lower Panther Meadows. This can also be reached from Lower Panther Meadows. Ask the camp director to give you directions.
OPTIONAL VISIT to Castle Crags State Park (On Your Own)
A 225 million year old granite mountain range south of Mount Shasta, Castle Crags offers us its unique beauty, grandeur, mystique and wisdom. We'll hike to Soda Mineral Springs headwaters, next to an abandoned crystal cave, explore a few magical spots on the granite-bottomed Soda Spring Creek, visit a moss-covered fairy ring and connect with the healing energies of this beautiful evergreen forest.
Many trails, from high alpine cliffs to riverfront strolls, are perfect for hikers and day visitors at Castle Crags State Park south of Dunsmuir. On our visit to Castle Crags, we will visit the powerful spiritual vortex of the headwaters of Soda Creek and the natural mineral spring.
The awe inspiring granite spires rock formations over 225 million years old of Castle Ctrags towers over 6500 feet. Legends talk about this area being part of the remains of Lemuira or the motherland referrd to as Mu. Former ranger Frank Bacon discovered 6 ancient ancient symbols chiseled into the banks of Castle Creek, all of which were listed in the LOST CONTINENT OF MU by Churchward. The ancient symbols include symbols of the four rivers of life & eternity. Symbols are in the form of a swastika, Maltese Cross, the triangle, the all seeing eye, the serpent and the three steps to the throne. Many believe that Crags, Mount Shasta, Black Butte Mountain and Burney Faslls are all connected by underground passageways which present day Lemurians and initiates use. Over the years many people have reported many UFO sightings in the area. It is widely believed that Castle Crags is another interdimensional vortex of energy and a gateway to other dimensions while in meditation. People find great peace, restfulness and spiritual guidance here.
At this 10,500 acre park you'll find towering granite spires, steep-sided canyons and a few alpine lakes. Most of the area is covered with high brushfields and rocky outcrops with a few wet meadows in the creek headwaters. Elevations range from 2000' along the Sacramento River to over 6500' at the summit of the highest crags.
OPTIONAL VISIT to Pluto's Cave (On Your Own)
(Low impact hiking, easy access):
Formed by volcanic lava flows from Mount Shasta, Pluto Caves offers over a mile of spelunking pleasure for those interested in connecting with the belly of The Mother. Some caves are 40-plus feet in diameter and narrow significantly the further in you go. Ancient Native American ceremonies are recorded on one wall near an overhead opening. Look closely and you may see an owl's nest or a preening spot. Please remember your flashlight and jacket, as it can get pretty cool and dark inside.
During Mount Shasta's many eruptions, lava oozed slowly over the landscape, filling gullies and narrow valley. The outer edges cooled more quickly leaving hollow lava shells called lava tubes. Pluto Caves are an easily accessible example of the thousands of lava tubes, many undiscovered or kept secret, which pepper the landscape in the Sacred Mountain Region. Pluto's Cave has held sacred significance for Native American Tribes for hundreds of years. Sadly, its accessibility has led to misuse by thrill seekers, but the experience is worth the hike into these eerily magnificent caves. Wear hiking shoes and take flashlights and extra batteries.
Pluto's Cave is one of the main feeder tubes which carried most of the lava into Shasta Valley. It was formed by an eruption of basaltic lava which originated from a vent about 8 miles to the northeast, between Deer Mountain and the Whaleback. This lava flow is about 190,000 years old and reaches as far as Grenada. The small domes of lava in the vicinity of the main entrance to the cave are called schollendomes and were formed when the tube was filled with lava to the point where fluid pressure caused an actual inflation of the flow, causing it to rise up, bulge, and form the small domes.
The diameter of this cave is exceptionally large, larger than many of the major caves in the Hawaiian Islands. Multiple lava flows are visible in the walls of Pluto's Cave, and can be recognized by their layered basalt which is fine grained at the base and coarse textured and full of gas bubbles near the top. The skylights along the length of the cave were formed as the lava cooled and collapsed.
Although Pluto's Cave was used by local indigenous people for many years, it was first discovered by a non-indigenous person in 1863 as Nelson Cash was gathering stray cattle. It was named "Pluto's Cave" after the Roman god of the Underworld.![]()
OPTIONAL VISIT to Ney Springs Creek and Faery Falls (On Your Own)
(Low to medium impact hike)
Near Castle Lake Road, uphill to falls: From 1889 to 1921 John Ney operated a mineral springs resort here. Before that it was Shasta Indian territory, many of whom (in spirit) are still guardians or regular visitors of this area...a very sacred place to connect with the depths of your soul. Take a brief hike uphill and you'll discover Faery Falls, a 60-foot high waterfall that is a vortex in itself. Elementals abound for those with inner sight or hearing. Take a brief dip in an icy cold pool or stand beneath the waterfall, if you dare, to "baptize" yourself in the clear alpine snowmelt waters. Enchanting!
OPTIONAL VISIT to Saint Germain's Meadow (On Your Own)
(Medium high impact hiking uphill)
(45 minute to one hour trek)A beautiful meadow on Mount Shasta with a gentle vibration (similar to Panther Meadows), well-hidden from the usual tourist area. Godfrey Ray King met Saint Germain on many of the meadows of Mount Shasta, and this meadow is named after this beautiful Ascended Master, who is the guardian of the mountain.
Comte de Saint-Germain, reputedly known personally in the royal houses of Europe over a period of more than two centuries. International diplomat, master of alchemy, painter, musician, healer, and herbalist. Legends claim that no one ever saw him eating. He presented precious jewels as gifts as freely as giving away flowers, he created diamonds and gold, and he routinely transformed or extended the lives of those who met him.
Trek uphill to almost the 8,300-foot elevation. This small meadow offers fresh spring water and wildflowers at the base of a steep tree-filled hillside. It seems as though you are traveling through different dimensions as you slowly hike higher and higher on the trailhead. Keep your intuitive feelers working as there is much to explore on unseen levels. Exquisite views of the seemingly endless Cascade Range and the town of McCloud can be seen from the meadow. Well worth the hike! With luck you may see a few black-tailed deer drinking at the spring or a falcon or two soaring overhead in search of their next meal. St. Germain's Living Room is a hidden spring surrounded by a tiny meadow on Mt. Shasta, California. A hidden trail leads there.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Space on Mount Shasta Retreat is limited!
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